I'm done being an Adam Weber apologist


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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There are no more excuses that can be made or are left. That play where he looked
for Decker after he vactaed the play and nearly threw another interception is all I needec to know to confirm it.
This is more than offensive line related, Adam Weber just sucks folks. If your getting shut out
and have only converted two first downs why not at least give the other kid a chance. Maybe
the back-up can make a play with his feet and at least give the defense a breather.

O line is terrible, runningbacks are terrible, i don't like weber, but I don't fault him either

I have acknowledged O-line and backs are bad

There have been plays that have been open that have been left on the field by the QB. The line is not good, the RB's are not good but neither is the QB. No time to sugarcoat it, I'm not dieing to see Gray play either because if he can't beat out Weber than he is all hype. Weber has not progressed one bit as a QB and he is a junior. No more excuses he just isn't that good. We have the worst QB in the Big 10 with the exception of maybe Illinois. The whole offense is just atrocious.

Maybe Weber has regressed because of the whole change in offensive philosphy and Fisch screwing with his throwing motion.

yeah he has been bad this game/season.. I don't know anymore, just a frustrating day.

Maybe Weber has regressed because of the whole change in offensive philosphy and Fisch screwing with his throwing motion.

But according to Brewster, anyone who thinks that doesn't know what they're talking about.

WHo screwed with his throwing motion last year? He has sucked since day one, friends.

Fisch is a horrible play caller. Brewster is a bad coach. We never have any fun plays, like Notre Dame's fake field goal. We never come out fired up. We just come out flat and Weber comes out flat.

I am about ready to call it a season. Brewster is an idiot if he won't at least give Gray one series to shut all of us up.

It's not like I enjoy ripping players either

Frustration with this season and especially this game is not even the word for it. This game is
as mind numbing as last years Iowa game. We change coaches like underwear around these parts too. It's not like firinig the coaches is a realistic option because how many times can you keep doing that. How can we look so thouroughly dominated and get zero pass rush consistnently year after year.
You would think you could luck into a pass rusher from time to time. The O-line play is not good , Davis was supposed to be some kind of Guru, but the QB just holds onto the ball so dang long. Click the clock in your head and get rid of it, the tunnel visions is as mind numbing as the lack of a pass rush. maybe next week will be a good game to take off and just stay away. I don't envy these guy's because they are going to be walking into one angry C-Bus next weekend.

WHo screwed with his throwing motion last year? He has sucked since day one, friends.

Fisch is a horrible play caller. Brewster is a bad coach. We never have any fun plays, like Notre Dame's fake field goal. We never come out fired up. We just come out flat and Weber comes out flat.

I am about ready to call it a season. Brewster is an idiot if he won't at least give Gray one series to shut all of us up.

Does that mean you won't post here anymore? :clap:

WHo screwed with his throwing motion last year? He has sucked since day one, friends.

Fisch is a horrible play caller. Brewster is a bad coach. We never have any fun plays, like Notre Dame's fake field goal. We never come out fired up. We just come out flat and Weber comes out flat.

I am about ready to call it a season. Brewster is an idiot if he won't at least give Gray one series to shut all of us up.

62.2 completion%, 2761 yards, 15 TD and only 8 INT.

You're right those are horrible numbers :rolleyes:

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