COLUMN: 4th of July is the best

–> As we enter the dog days of summer, news on Gophers athletics is relatively barren, so I thought I would switch things up and tell you why I believe the 4th of July is the best holiday.

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Since the inception of American Holidays, many people have argued about which one is the “best.” Compared to other holidays I believe that the 4th of July has produced some of the most memorable experiences in my 22 years of life. For one, people who celebrate religious Holidays like Christmas, Easter, or Hanukkah are often built around tradition and family time. For how enjoyable those times can be, I think anyone would admit forced time with family can sometimes be a little much, especially when it comes over a few days or a week. 4th of July is a holiday built solely around having fun and celebrating, whomever, wherever, which is why I believe it supersedes every other American Holiday on the calendar.

Time of the year:

I think the greatest argument for the 4th of July is the fact that it falls in the middle of some of the best weather of the year and the best time. For as much as I love football season and the fall, it is hard for anything to compete with a beautiful summer day. July 4th also falls roughly two weeks after the summer solstice, which provides some of the longest days of sunlight throughout the year, compared to a winter holiday like Christmas, which is during some of the shortest days of the year. Holidays like Christmas or Thanksgiving also fall at the end of their respective months and years, which is often the busiest time for many people at work, which can put a lot more added stress on anyone. Nobody usually has a whole lot going on during the first week of July, so it can often provide some of the most stress-free moments of the year.

The summer weather also provides you with so much more stuff you can do in the downtime with your family or friends. Growing up in a climate like Minnesota, the celebration of holidays like Christmas and Thanksgiving, you’re typically cooped up inside and you have to play board games or watch a movie. While celebrating the 4th, you can go golfing, take your boat on the lake (especially in Minnesota), or just sit outside and enjoy the day.


Holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas are built around tradition. While that is often what makes them special, it also adds an extra level of stress to accomplish certain things. 4th of July is built around solely having fun. One year you can just decide to buy more fireworks to blow up into the sky or grill more hot dogs and burgers. It often seems like one big birthday party for everyone all at once. It also seems like a week-long celebration. Christmas is such a long build-up for one day, which certainly adds to the mystique, but the 4th of July provides you with the opportunity to have a celebration throughout the whole week, whenever you really have time to.

Fireworks are one of the main traditions that the 4th of July is mostly known for. Many people complain that they’re too loud or obnoxious. As someone who enjoys fireworks, but also understands the annoyance I would just say, it’s maybe a few hours of your day for maybe a couple days. So if your biggest complaint about a holiday is that people are celebrating too loud or having too much fun, I think that should tell you all you need to know. My personal favorite tradition is the food most people eat around the 4th. While people can get creative with Christmas or Thanksgiving meals, most people would agree that it is hard to compete with burgers, hot dogs, brats, watermelon and corn on the cob.

Ultimately my reason behind making this claim is the laid-back nature of the 4th of July. There are very few things that other holidays do better than the 4th of July. It’s easy to feel lonely or stressed out during other holidays, but it’s pretty hard not to have fun on the 4th of July. Other holidays often provide obligations of what you should and shouldn’t do. On the 4th of July, you’re able to do whatever the heck you want, which is very fitting for a celebration of the independence of a country that gives you the freedom to do whatever the heck you want.

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