Q&A: Lifelong Gopher Fan Matthew Morse Fulfills Dream After Committing to Minnesota

Matthew Morse, a 6-foot-1, 190-pound senior from Apple Valley (MN) High, recently committed to Minnesota as a preferred walk-on.

Matthew Morse, a 6-foot-1, 190-pound senior from Apple Valley (MN) High, recently committed to Minnesota as a preferred walk-on.


Gopher Hole caught up with Morse Wednesday evening to learn the latest on his decision.


Gopher Hole: You committed to Minnesota as preferred walk-on. When did you do that and what was the reason that you decided that Minnesota was where you wanted to be?


Matthew Morse: I officially committed last night (Tuesday). I was given the opportunity on Sunday. The “U” has always been my goal since I started playing football. My grandpa played there in the late 50’s as a running back and from hearing stories about him playing and the great job that Coach Kill has been doing now, it has always been my goal to play at that level and play for a great team in the Big Ten.


Gopher Hole: What is your grandfather’s name?


Matthew Morse: Robert Morse.


Gopher Hole: What other schools were you looking at when you made the decision?


Matthew Morse: Originally, it was between St. Thomas and Minnesota Duluth and this kind of came out of nowhere and this was exactly where I wanted to go, so I took that opportunity. 


Gopher Hole: How did Minnesota find out about you?


Matthew Morse: I had been to a couple of recruiting days, like game day visits, but I really tried to sell myself. I sent them multiple e-mails. I’m sure that I annoyed them with that, but I just let them know that was always my goal and I would do what I could to be a part of the team. I don’t know if it was pity and they wanted to stop receiving those e-mails, but they gave me that opportunity.


Gopher Hole: It shows you that persistence pays off, right?


Matthew Morse: Yes. Exactly.


Gopher Hole: What games did you get a chance to attend this year?


Matthew Morse: I went to the Ohio State game and the Iowa game.


Gopher Hole: What were your impressions of the Gophers this year?


Matthew Morse: I think that it was a great step forward. Obviously, Coach Kill had some work to do when he got here, but the team is moving forward. Obviously, it is progressing a lot faster than he thought they would. I think with the players returning, they will have a shot at being top contenders next year.


Gopher Hole: What position are they looking at you playing? I know that you are an athletic player who can play a couple of different spots.


Matthew Morse: They told me that they are looking at me at either wide receiver or D back and then they would make a decision in the summer as far as what position they needed me most. 


Gopher Hole: Is that what you were hearing from St. Thomas and UMD?


Matthew Morse: Actually, both of those schools were looking at me at quarterback.


Gopher Hole: How many years were you a starting quarterback at Apple Valley?


Matthew Morse: I just started my senior year, but I played wide receiver my sophomore and junior year. 


Gopher Hole: It is a position that you feel somewhat comfortable with, right?


Matthew Morse: Yes.


Gopher Hole: Have you played defensive back at all or mostly on the offensive side of the field?


Matthew Morse: I played most of plays on the offensive side, but I went in on third and long and second and long situations as a free safety my junior and senior years.


Gopher Hole: I’m assuming that you have already been accepting into the University of Minnesota, right?


Matthew Morse: Right.


Gopher Hole: Have you thought about what you would like to major in?


Matthew Morse: I am doing a mentorship at the “U” actually in Sport Management, Sports Marketing, so I am leaning towards something in Business, but if not that, I’m thinking in Psychology, so I’m undecided but those are two things that I am considering. 


Gopher Hole: What was the reaction of your family and friends when you let them know that you were going to be going to Minnesota?


Matthew Morse: They were extremely excited. I think it was even better that they had no idea that was one of my choices. It kind of all happened fast and my dad and I kept the secret from my mom. When we told her, she was ecstatic and my grandpa, who played, was really excited and my other grandparents are from Edina. It has just been really nice to have all that support from everyone that I have been hearing from. 


Gopher Hole: Because of your grandfather, had you been going to many Gopher games in the past as fan?


Matthew Morse: Yes. I have been a fan as long as I can remember, going to games and stuff.


Gopher Hole: Did you go to many college camps this past summer? 


Matthew Morse: I went to two Junior Days there and I went to a few combines around the area and I went to the Chicago Northwestern combine, but I didn’t go to a lot of camps. I spent some time training with Rickey Foggie and Adam Weber.  


Gopher Hole: Obviously, those are two guys who played at the “U.” Had they told you much about Minnesota at all?


Matthew Morse: I have become pretty good friends with Adam and we have been working out at a regular basis and he has been telling my lots of stories, trying to contact some people because him and Foggie and I have a coach at the high school, Donny Dalton, who played at the “U” and they hopefully had some influence on me. They told me that they all reached out and were selling me as a walk-on.


Gopher Hole: Have you had a chance to talk to Coach Foggie or Adam since you have committed?


Matthew Morse: Yes. I talked to them both. They were both really excited to hear that. It gives them all the more reason to kick my butt when they are working me out.


Gopher Hole: I know that you are going to be starting out in June. Have they talked to you about the expectations for you? To be honest, most freshmen will redshirt to get a little bigger and stronger and especially since you are not necessarily learning a new position, but you are focusing on something a little bit different than what you did this past year. Is that what you are thinking more than likely? 


Matthew Morse: Yes. They told me that they’d  redshirt me. The primary reason, like you said, is to let me learn the positions and learn the whole playbook in whatever side of the ball that I am going to be on and give me an extra year to get ahead of the game. That is the idea of it.


Gopher Hole: Are you playing any other sports at Apple Valley? 


Matthew Morse: I am playing baseball in the spring. Center field.

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