3 Things The Gophers Need To Do (W)right To Steady The Boat

  • Improve the passing game.

Minnesota has high hopes for Athan Kaliakmanis, with a sneak peak from last year Gopher fans were excited for the post Tanner Morgan era to arrive.  And while we got some glimpses of the big arm and talent last year, this year the passing game hasn’t materialized.  There have been glimpses, and a nice first half against Northwestern, but the Gopher quarterback hasn’t eclipsed the 200-yard mark passing in a game this season.  Athan also must realize he needs to have some “touch” on his passes, get some air under the ball, not every pass has to be a Nolan Ryan fastball.  The Gophers have one last shot in the nonconference to correct this with the University of Louisiana Ragin Cajun’s coming to town Saturday.  If they can’t get a consistent passing game going this weekend, it may be a long season.

  • Better Coaching

First off, PJ Fleck does not deserve to be fired, and for Gopher fans calling for his job, who would you think would come here and do better?  With that being said, Fleck does seem to play not to lose and go conservative with the play calling just when you think he would want to step on the gas and really put teams out of their misery.  He is a great recruiter and does connect with the recruits of today, but some of his in-game decisions, at critical times, sometimes leaves fans wondering.  Greg Harbaugh Jr as the new Offensive Coordinator also needs to rethink his schemes and start finding those talented receivers.  Joe Rossi’s defense also has gone South and needs to reestablish itself.  They looked great the first two games, the last couple not so much.  Minnesota hopes the addition of defensive back Craig McDonald, the transfer from Auburn, had his waiver to play approved finally, Minnesota hopes he can step right in and make a difference.

  • Realize The West Is Still in Play

Yes!! Despite the horrible loss to Northwestern to West is still in play.  And honestly none of these teams are world-beaters. Wisconsin got a nice win on the road at Purdue, but Luke Fickell is still trying to figure out his team.  Iowa is still the favorite but coming off the shut out at the hands of Penn State, they still have issues on offense and only got four first downs in the entire game.  Again it looks like another Iowa team ready to be beat for Floyd of Rosedale.  Illinois isn’t living up to the hype that had some press members picking them to win the West, seriously there is still hope Gopher Nation.  But changes have to be made right away, and it starts with Minnesota establishing a consistent passing game.  If that happens, the Gophers still have hope to get the Big 10 West crown.


Vince Wright is a GopherHole.com contributor and host of the Sports Done Wright Podcast.


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