All Things Weather

Just think if the Super Bowl had been in Minneapolis instead of Las Vegas. I think the event goers would have had better weather here, or pretty close.

Coldest damn February I can ever remember here in the desert. WTF... this is bullshit.

We might get a little snow this week!

But it won't stick around long. This winter is over.

Here in Wisconsin we’re expecting highs to be close to 70 tomorrow afternoon and then temps down to 17 at day break on Wednesday morning. A temp drop of over 50 in about 17 hours.

Not sure on the hour breakdown but the temp on my phone said it was 64 this afternoon. Low is supposed to get to 8 tomorrow in Dakota Cty.
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Normally a weather week like this would completely astound me in the TC, now I just take it in stride. Short sleeves on Monday. Snow Tuesday. Long underwear on Wednesday, back to the 60s by the weekend.

That's how we roll.

Found a video on youtube from a severe weather expert. One of the things he does is make annual tornado predictions. He looks at 3 climate trends that are scientifically known to impact Apr - June severe weather in the U.S.:

  • El Nino / La Nino oscillation
  • Gulf of Mexico water temperatures
  • Desert conditions in the southwest

He then takes the current state of these three trends and finds the years in the past (going back to 1950 I think) that 2024 most closely resembles. His top 4 years for 2024:

1. 2016
2. 1998
3. 1966
4. 2010

Not much happened here in 2016, But 1998 and 2010 were two of the most active severe weather years in Minnesota's history. 1966 was fairly active as well. Only about 20 tornadoes show up on the offical record, but that probably means there were actually around 40. Included in this was a strong F4 that touched down on June 11th near Crosslake. I'm excited to see how this plays out. Minnesota has sort of been in a classic supercell & major tornado drought since the huge 2010 event.



My neighbor keeps very detailed weather records - he's a flight controller so it kind of goes with his job. Today we had "ice-out" day on our lake, which is the earliest it's been since 1998 (which is when he started recording data). Before this year, the earliest "ice-out" day was March 7th, which happened in 2000 and again in 2017. So, we've set a record for at least the past 25 years.

We might get a little snow this week!

But it won't stick around long. This winter is over.


LOL, but I don't think you can really call this winter, this is just typical March
It will feel more like winter than most of January and February. Could end up having snow on the ground on Halloween and Easter but not Christmas.

Good to get some moisture. Much needed.

And here I just thought I was taking an ungodly deuce (yes, I was on the toilet)- My apartment shook for a good 30 seconds.

Earthquake rattles Northeastern U.S., shakes felt in New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut
The 4.8 magnitude quake was also felt in the Philadelphia and Boston.


And here I just thought I was taking an ungodly deuce (yes, Zi was on the toilet)- My apartment shook for a good 30 seconds.

Earthquake rattles Northeastern U.S., shakes felt in New York City, New Jersey, Connecticut
The 4.8 magnitude quake was also felt in the Philadelphia and Boston.


Anything fall off it's shelves or anything? I'm guessing not much damage. I think the one or two in MN when I was younger I didn't even feel.

We currently live very close to a quarry where they do periodic blasts and our house does vibrate for a few seconds. The first time I seriously thought it was an earthquake.


Anything fall off it's shelves or anything? I'm guessing not much damage. I think the one or two in MN when I was younger I didn't even feel.

We currently live very close to a quarry where they do periodic blasts and our house does vibrate for a few seconds. The first time I seriously thought it was an earthquake.

Nothing fell and no reports of damages - thanks for asking.

I live near the subway and initially thought there was some type of derailment and then, I went oh, that was an earthquake.

I did get an emergency alert on my phone afterwards and just got another now, warning of possible aftershocks.

I wonder if they’ll have to look at all the bridges and check for structural damage.

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