Through the Eyes of a Gopher Parent – Virginia Posthumus

Gopher Football is excited to announce a new series of articles entitled “œThrough the Eyes of a Gopher Parent” which pays tribute to a very important aspect of any program ““ the parents of the student-athletes. In a continued quest to offer readers news and features geared towards the die-hard Gopher fan, will offer interviews with parents of the Gopher senior class. Now up is Virginia Posthumus, the proud mother of tight end, Jarod Posthumus.

When you play for one of the most prolific running teams in the nation, run blocking is obviously extremely important. If you can’t do it exceptionally well, you won’t see the field. Fortunately for Jarod Posthumus, he does it very well and also provides a passing threat at tight end and teams up with teammate Matt Spaeth to form a great 1-2 punch.

Posthumus arrived at The U as a quarterback recruit after throwing for 5,844 yards at Becker High School, but early in his career he switched to tight end and has since made the transformation a smooth one. A senior member of the Gophers and a multiple member of the Academic All Big Ten team, Jarod is an important part of the nation’s leading rushing team.

Jarod’s mom, Virginia, recently talked with GopherHole about watching Jarod score a TD against Illinois, the transformation from quarterback to tight end and the pride she has watching him wear the maroon and gold. Did Jarod always play football growing up?

Posthumus: He played pretty much every sport growing up and really did well in high school in both football and track and field. He placed very high in discuss in the state his senior year, but football was always his first love. He would work on his game all day and worked really hard on his strength and conditioning as well. Thinking back to his recruitment, what was it about The U that led him and your family to that choice?

Posthumus: Jarod’s father passed away in 1998 and I didn’t want him to go far away for college and he didn’t want to either. We are a very close family and it was hard on us when he passed away. When Jarod got the offer from Minnesota we were so excited. My husband loved the Gophers and would listen to every game on the radio. He would be so proud of Jarod now. Did you seek the advice of any of the other Gopher parents early in Jarod’s career?

Posthumus: When we were being recruited we met the Losli’s and the Nicholson’s and all of us parents did some research together. We asked a lot of questions to various coaches and parents about the staff and the program and all shared what we heard. Obviously we liked what we heard and have been very happy with the decision. Have you been able to get to a lot of Jarod’s games over the years?

Posthumus: I have another son Kyle who played football at Augustana College and early in Jarod’s career when he wasn’t playing much I would attend the Augustana games, but the last couple of years I haven’t missed a game. Is there a game that stands out more than others?

Posthumus: I think the game against Illinois a couple of years ago when Jarod scored his touchdown. I was so proud of him and I know he was really excited. We were sitting in the end zone at Illinois and that is the corner he caught the ball. What have been your impressions of the Gopher coaching staff over the last few years?

Posthumus: They have been just wonderful. Coach Mason is always so friendly and says such nice things about Jarod. Mitch is also such a great guy. They are all very supportive. What changes have you seen of Jarod over the last few years?

Posthumus: I am so proud of what Jarod has accomplished while at Minnesota. He is very quiet about it, but he has received numerous academic distinctions and he should be very proud of that. I was also impressed with how he dealt with his position change as he was really disappointed when they first asked him to switch to tight end, but he worked very hard and is now a member of one of the best running games in the nation. Overall, its rewarding as a parent to see their child mature as a person and become a man, and that is what has happened over the last few years.

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