Through the Eyes of a Gopher Parent Paul Losli

Gopher Football

A true student-athlete. That is how many describe Mark Losli and he is often regarded as a role model within the Gopher program for showing what a well-rounded person can become. For Losli though, early on it looked like the athletic success may come on the basketball court and not the football field. After playing football at a young age, Losli gravitated towards basketball during junior high school and experienced a lot of success on the hardwood. Fortunately for Gopher fans, he continued to grow into his frame and the football coaches at Spring Lake Park High School encouraged him to go out for the football team.

Four years and a ton of tackles later, Losli found himself living out a dream as a Golden Gopher. Now just a mere couple of months away from finishing out his collegiate career at the University of Minnesota, Mark’s father, Paul Losli, reflects on his son’s transformation from a boy to a man in the most recent edition of “Through the Eyes of a Gopher Parent.” Did Mark always want to play football at the college level?

Losli: For a while it looked like basketball would be the route that Mark was going to pursuit at the next level. He was a very good basketball player and we traveled all over when he was in junior high and early high school for basketball camps and tournaments. But as he entered high school and started to grow physically, football became a more realistic option for him. He had great high school football coaches who really prepared him for the next level. What was it about The U that attracted Mark and your family to the program?

Losli: Mark is a homebody. And while we don’t see him much while he’s at school, he likes being close enough to us and his friends and family where we can see him when he wants. He also loves Minnesota and the area. We visited a lot of campuses for various basketball tournaments and camps, but he always loved The U. We went to a lot of Gopher games towards the end of his high school career and he always envisioned himself wearing the maroon and gold. Our family was really excited when he chose the Gophers. It has been a wonderful five years. Have you been able to get to most of his games?

Losli: Other than one game in Louisiana when he was a redshirt freshman, we have been to every single one of them. It is so much fun going to the games, supporting the kids and hanging out with the parents of other players. We also enjoy meeting some of fans from other teams and seeing their environments and stadiums. We’ve been to so many games that we even missed my wife’s niece’s wedding for one of Mark’s games! What have been the most memorable games in Mark’s career? (Note: This interview was conducted on the Thursday before the Michigan game)

Losli: I think all three bowl wins stand out more than the others. Those were three great trips and it was a great reward for the kids. That being said, if we beat Michigan this weekend, that will easily surpass the three bowl wins.

(Note: From Paul Losli’s excitement heading into the Michigan and with the incredible performance of the defense, GopherHole feels confident in assuming that the win now stands as Paul’s greatest memory so far in Mark’s career) How is the support system with other parents in the Gopher program?

Losli: We are very involved with the Parents Club and it is such a great organization. We have met some wonderful friends over the past five years of the parents of kids on the team. We are really going to miss the weekly commraderie that we all share. It’s really a tight-knit group. What have been your favorite venues to visit on the road?

Losli: I think from a standpoint of stadiums, the ones that stick out the most are Ohio State, Penn State, and Michigan. Those three are very impressive facilities. The fans that have been the most gracious are Ohio State, Purdue and Penn State. Those fans are very welcoming and friendly. What have been your impressions of the Gopher coaching staff through the years?

Losli: We have been very impressed with the entire staff through the years. They are very determined that each kid achieve his full potential as a person, as a student and as a player and probably in that order. Coach Shaw and Coach Mason always take the time to chat with the parents and the families. What are the big differences you have seen in Mark since he arrived on campus?

Losli: Mark has turned into a man over the past few years. He is a very enjoyable person to spend time with not just as a son, but as a friend. I am so proud of how hard he has worked in the classroom and on the football field and it is really a pleasure to watch him develop as a person.

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