Taking Stock: Buy, Sell and Hold of Big Ten Football – Gophers a Buy, Hawkeyes a Sell & More

A new feature on GopherHole will be a regular column titled “Taking Stock: Buy, Sell and Hold of Big Ten Football” and we’ll serve as equity analysts of the Big Ten conference with “stock” recommendations based on weekly performance against expectations and future expected outcomes. The idea for the column is from GopherHole member “BarnBoy” who made the recommendation in a season preview thread.

In addition to the 12 Big Ten programs, we’ll also offer a few other “buy, sell, hold” recommendations based on the world of college football. We encourage you to share your analyst recommendations as well and tell us where we’re too bullish or bearish with our forecasts.

Let’s channel our inner Gordon Gekko and remember that Bulls make money, Bears make money, Pigs get slaughtered!!

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