Recap of Gophers Jerry Kill Interview On Sports Huddle

Comments and responses by Jerry Kill to questions by Sid Hartman and Dave Mona on today’s Sports Huddle. While the season is still more than 100 days away, some media types and prognosticators may predict that the Gophers have a shot to win the Big Ten West title. Different factors make it simple to pick a gambling site to find the latest odds on the Gophers chances. Here are the updates from Kill’s interview.

1) Sid opened the Jerry Kill segment asking if Kill were going to have some satellite clinics. Sid mentioned Kansas as a site for a clinic:

“We’re thinking about it,” said Kill, “Michigan opened a can of worms (starting satellite clinics).”

Kill said they’re considering having satellite clinics in Kansas City, Michigan and Texas. He’ll send a couple coaches to the clinics; however, “Can’t put your name on it.”

IMO, it didn’t sound as though Kill is really supportive of the satellite clinic concept. It’s more of a case of if others are doing it you better do it as well or you’ll fall behind in the recruiting process.

2) Sid said he understood Gopher team members will be participating in a clinic on campus with recruits in August:

Kill quickly responded saying the players will not be working out with potential recruits who will arrive in late July on visits to the University – “before (fall) camp starts.” The players, however, will meet with the recruits and answer questions that the young visitors have about the school, the team’s culture, environment, Twin Cities, etc.

3) The topic of Minnesota’s success in recruiting Minnesota high school recruits in recent months and getting their commitments to U of M:

Kill said it’s a priority in recruiting, keeping your top state recruits home. He said they’ve done a good job in keeping the state recruits from the border schools. However, he acknowledged that some of the top schools from across the country (Ohio State, Alabama, Oregon, etc.) have been coming to the state to recruit its top athletes.

On a positive note, Kill said many of the state’s top recruits are now looking at Minnesota: “(NFL) Draft helped us and notoriety of last year (team’s success on the field).”

4) Dave Mona brought up the topic of social media in recruiting. Minnesota recruits who have committed have been busy calling/texting other recruits, encouraging them to join them at Minnesota. Mona opined that the committed recruits recruiting efforts has to be an asset in attracting players to Minnesota :

Kill answered, “It certainly has! Social media kids can talk to each other.” Recruited/committed high school players recruiting others is a tremendous asset, according to Kill.

5) Sid said he had tears in eyes when he saw Kill escort the widow of Regent Larson and heard her speak at the Hall of Fame Foundation Banquet last week:

Kill expressed his gratitude for Regent Larson support. He said Larson was a big supporter of Gopher football and was a key player in helping turn around the team’s poor academic state: “He stepped up, funded more tutoring and computers.” One could hear Kill’s appreciation for Larson and the support that the late Regent provided to Gopher football program.

6) Sid, once again, wanted to know what the Gopher coaches are doing now that there is an extended break between spring ball and the start of fall camp:

Kill said the coaches are fanning out across the country recruiting. Coach Kill is kept busy watching film and evaluating potential recruits – who to offer and who they will hold off tendering an offer until they have the recruit(s) in for a summer camp.

The assistant coaches are also busy breaking down films of upcoming opponents, especially the team’s they lost to last fall.

Coach Kill and his staff are preparing for the annual summer camps. Following the camps the coaches take turns taking time off for vacations before fall camp commences.

The coaches’ schedules are full and busy, “little time off.”

7) Dave Mona mentioned academics, graduation exercises at the U and Bobby Bell returning to get his degree:

Bobby Bell was a star for the Gophers in 1960,’61, and ’62. He was an All-American and won the Outland Trophy following his senior season of football at the U.

Coach Kill was impressed and proud of Bobby Bell’s academic accomplishment: “It’s awesome; someone prestigious as Bell coming back to get his degree . . . tremendous, tremendous story.” Bobby Bell had promised his father that he would earn his college degree. This month – fifty-three years later – his promise will be fulfilled.

Bell was inducted in the College and NFL Hall of Fame after his stellar years at Minnesota and the NFL Kansas City Chiefs.

Given the turnaround of Kill’s team in academics and its 3.0 APR, it’s well known that Kill stresses and places great emphasis and value on academics. As a result, you could hear Kill’s pride of Bell’s accomplishment in his voice. I’m sure kill will mention Bobby Bell when he talks about the importance of academics to his players; the purpose of college.

8) Sid raised the topic of a new sports facility:

Kill has been telling recruits and others that ground for the sports facility will be broken In August: “It’s what I’ve been pushing for,” said Kill. “I’m optimistic it will get done . . . need to make it happen.”

9) Sid asked for Kill’s thoughts about this year’s football team:

Kill sounded confident about the receiving corps, but they need to prove it on the field. He also said the young receivers are learning.

“Quarterbacks are more experienced.”

Kill sounded confident and pleased with the talent at running back.

He was emphatic when he mentioned the defense, “Defensively, really good.”

On the offensive side of the ball, “Big play guys on offense; they’re young and need to prove it.”

Coach Kill has great expectations in the kicking game (seasoned punter and kicker). He sounded confident when talking about the two specialists. He said they’ll win some games.

Overall, Kill sounded confident and very excited about this year’s team.

10) Sid asked about having to replace five Gophers that were taken in the recent NFL Draft:

“They were awfully good . . . next guys up . . . It’s our job to get them ready,” replied Kill.

Kill also said other teams are losing good players too. It’s the nature of college football from one season to next.

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