Q&A: WR Drew Hmielewski on Signing with Minnesota: “I can’t wait to finally to officially be a Gopher.”

Drew Hmielewski, a 6-foot-2, 190-pound wide receiver from Marshall (MN) High, signed with Minnesota Wednesday. Hmielewski committed to the Gophers over South Dakota, South Dakota State and North Dakota State last August.


Hmielewski helped lead the Tigers to a 9-2 mark this past season, losing to Stewartville  35-7 in the first round of the Class AAAA state tournament. They finished 8-1 in 2014, being upset by Waseca in the first round of the playoffs after being them 35-6 three weeks before


Gopher Hole caught up with Hmielewski Tuesday to learn more on his signing and expectations as a freshman.


Gopher Hole: You are signing your letter of intent tomorrow. Where are you doing it and what will the feeling be like when you finally get your college choice out of the way?


Drew Hmielewski: It will be at the high school gym. It will be an awesome feeling. I can’t wait to finally to officially be a Gopher.


Gopher Hole: I know that you committed early, but did you like the recruiting process or did you see how it could get tiring after a while?


Drew Hmielewski: In the beginning, it was pretty tiring, but as soon Minnesota offered, I pretty much knew that I wanted to be a Gopher and it hasn’t been too stressful.


Gopher Hole: Did you hear from many schools after you committed or did it die down once you made it official and committed to the Gophers?


Drew Hmielewski: It died down. I closed my recruitment as soon as I committed. I wouldn’t have looked anywhere else anyways.


Gopher Hole: I was at your playoff game at Farmington against Stewartville. Unfortunately, you didn’t play that day, due to a concussion. You also missed time with a shoulder injury. How tough was that to deal with as a senior knowing that this was your last year of playing football, because I know that are a very competitive kid playing three sports?


Drew Hmielewski: It is always tough. I don’t like to sit out and have to sit there and watch. It wasn’t something that I preferred to do. I understand that I need to get healthy, but it was really hard.


Gopher Hole: What was the exact injury?


Drew Hmielewski: Last year, I had surgery on it after the football season. I had torn my labarum and this year, it has just kind of piggy-backed off that. Stability and I also separated my AC (acromioclavicular) joints while playing on the same shoulder. It kind of lingered.


Gopher Hole: Will you have to have any other surgeries or are you pretty much back to health?


Drew Hmielewski: I am going to a specialist soon and the Gophers would like to me to go up there and see their doctor to get their opinion and see what we have to do to get this back to healthy. Depending on what they say and depending on the steps I will take in the future.


Gopher Hole: You are playing basketball right now. Does it bother at all for basketball?


Drew Hmielewski: It comes and goes, but I play through it.


Gopher Hole: You are doing really well basketball-wise and are the number one team in your section. What would it mean after getting so close in football to get to the state tournament in basketball?


Drew Hmielewski: It would mean so much. I am continuing my career in both football and baseball, but this is my last year of basketball. It would mean so much to make it to the state tournament. I love basketball just like I love the other sports. They are equal to me and to make it that far would be an accomplishment and an honor. That would be awesome, if I could do that.


Gopher Hole: You are playing extremely well and have won 18 of your last 19 games with the one loss to Sioux Falls Washington and a big win over Pipestone last night. How pleased are you with the way that you have been playing?


Drew Hmielewski: Our team is starting to come together. I am pretty excited about it. We just have to continue to play together as a team and trust in each other. Just keep the energy.


Gopher Hole: How far did you make it last year?


Drew Hmielewski: We lost in the section championship (to Mankato East and finished 24-5).


Gopher Hole: Did you play the whole year of basketball last season or did you have to miss some games due to the shoulder injury?


Drew Hmielewski: Last year, I missed most of the season, because I had surgery as soon as football ended, so I was out for several months. I was able to return to play the last couple of regular season games and the playoffs.


Gopher Hole: I know that you have seen the comparisons and a lot of people have compared you to Eric Decker because he played football as a wide receiver and baseball at Minnesota. Is that something you have heard a lot or more just recently?


Drew Hmielewski: Since pretty much the recruiting process, I have heard it and it has been an honor to be compared to someone such as him.


Gopher Hole: Have you ever meet him?


Drew Hmielewski: I have never met him. I have talked to him via text message, but other than that, I have never met him.


Gopher Hole: How far did you make it in baseball last year?


Drew Hmielewski: We placed third in the state in baseball. (They beat Rochester Lourdes in the third place Class AA consolation game after losing to St. Cloud Cathedral in the second round).


Gopher Hole: Were both the football and baseball sides pretty open to you playing both sports in college?


Drew Hmielewski: Oh, yes. They were both pretty open about it. It means so much to me that they are allowing me to do both and both staffs communicated with each other very well and they were both open from the start.


Gopher Hole: Were you hearing from the baseball side before the football or were you hearing from the football side first?


Drew Hmielewski: It all kind of happened at the same time.


Gopher Hole: There was some coaching changes at the U of M when Coach Kill retired. What was your initial reaction when you heard the word that he was going to be stepping down?


Drew Hmielewski: It is always sad to see something like that lead to him stepping down, but he needed to step down. He needed to do what was best for him and family. He needed to get healthy, so I supported his decision and I am happy with what his staff said and where they are going.


Gopher Hole: Obviously, Coach Claeys is more of a defensive coach. Did you know much about him before he was named head coach?


Drew Hmielewski: No. I didn’t know much about him. I knew who he was. I mean, I talked to him briefly. A couple of weeks ago, I had an in-home visit with him and Coach O’Brien. I really got to know him. 


Gopher Hole: You made your official visit December 11th with some of the other in-state kids. The metro kids, especially, have gotten to be good friends. Have you had a chance to build a similar relationship? I realized that you are much further away, but what has that relationship been like with the other guys either before that weekend or afterwards that is going to help you guys have a close-knit group when you get to Minnesota? 


Drew Hmielewski: We are all pretty close. Obviously, I am a little further away, so they get to see each other more than I get to see them, but it was good. We had a good time on the official. We all got to know each other a little better and got to become closer friends. We actually have a group message on our phones that all the commits are in and we are all constantly active in that. 
Gopher Hole: Do you think that it is going to help you guys have a little more of bond than say if you hadn’t been in contact so much before you get to Minnesota?


Drew Hmielewski: Absolutely. It will help us so much, especially when we get there. We already know each other so well and it will help with transition of seeing each other every day.  
Gopher Hole: Have the Gopher coaches talked to you much about your role? Many wide receivers will redshirt as freshmen to get bigger and stronger. 


Drew Hmielewski: No. right now, it kind of all depends on where I go with my shoulder and what the doctors say about that. I’ll find out pretty much once I get there if I am going to redshirt or not.


Gopher Hole: Your dad, Chris Hmielewski, is the athletic director at Southwest Minnesota State. Has he helped you a lot in terms of the recruitment process? Obviously, he is pretty familiar with it having an administration job and a sports background. Has that helped you having him to talk to throughout the process?


Drew Hmielewski: Absolutely. Both of my parents are very familiar with it, both being Division I athletes (his dad played baseball and his mom played basketball at Kansas State). My dad goes through the recruiting process every year and he has definitely helped me through it all and he is someone that I can lean on and if I had any questions or if I need to go to for something. He is very supportive of where I am going and he is excited for me.   
Gopher Hole: With your parents being Division I athletes, is that where you got your love of sports?


Drew Hmielewski: Yes. Ever since I could walk, I had a ball in my hand. They have helped to have a love for the games.


Gopher Hole: You are a rarity playing three sports. Do you think that has helped you? Obviously, you are going to play two sports in college, football and baseball, but do you think instead of being strictly a football player or a baseball player that you haven’t burnt out on one sports and that has helped you as an athlete?  


Drew Hmielewski: Absolutely. Every sport piggy backs off each other. Each helps you with different aspects of the game such as physicality and mentally. You work different muscles in each sport, so it really helps each other.  

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