Q&A: Eden Prairie Safety Blake Cashman Weighs Options, May Take PWO Opportunity With Gophers

Cashman is considering a preferred walk-on opportunity at Minnesota.

Blake Cashman, a 6-foot-2, 200-pound senior athlete from Eden Prairie (MN) High, is one of the state’s top two-sports athletes. He helped lead the Eagles to their fourth straight state title in football and has the basketball team ranked fourth in the state this year. 


Cashman is considering a preferred walk-on opportunity at Minnesota and talked to Gopher Hole after a 66-65 win over Chaska Saturday.


Gopher Hole: What is the latest on your college football recruitment right now?


Blake Cashman: I am speaking to NDSU, U of M and Iowa State for a preferred walk-on and UMD and Mankato offered me scholarships. As great as it is to go to school on scholarship money, I am more leaning towards playing Division I at the highest level I can because since day one, give it a shot and if it doesn’t work out, I can always transfer to the smaller school.


Gopher Hole: Have you visited all three schools that have offered you the preferred walk-on? 


Blake Cashman: I haven’t taken an official to any of them, but I have meet with Iowa State coaches and got to tour their facilities. They were nice enough to squeeze me in when I was just on a tour for school, actually. The U of M wants me to schedule an official, but they are going to do some things with their scheduling, so I can do like a “one-day” visit this upcoming week and NDSU, I am going to take an official this upcoming weekend.


Gopher Hole: Does that make it a little bit tough with basketball because you would like to visit over a weekend and yet you are playing basketball most weekends?


Blake Cashman: There has been a lot on my mind. The season is wrapping up and we need to finish strong this season, but I am also eager to make a decision on this college part of my life and make the best decision for me and that is going to make me the happiest, so it has been a little tough to miss some practices, but my coach is understanding and is flexible.  


Gopher Hole: What is going to be the main factor when you pick School A over School B or C?


Blake Cashman: I always tell myself that I want to go to a big school. I need to like the environment there and around the school. Where I can see myself fitting in the best. That makes me the happiest and I want to study business, financing or communications, so whatever school offers the best education. It also has to have a successful football program. Coming from Eden Prairie, I am used to that.


Gopher Hole: What are you hearing from the Gophers? What are they saying to you?


Blake Cashman: I spoke with Mike Sherels, the linebackers coach yesterday (Friday) after my game and he is going to call after the weekend is over. He told me that he wants me to take a visit. He wants me to be a Gopher and he likes what he sees on tape. He says that there could be scholarship opportunities ahead once I join the program, so I am just looking forward to speaking with him because I have a lot of questions to ask him and figure out.


Gopher Hole: What positions are most schools looking at you playing?


Blake Cashman:  Every school is looking at like a safety.


Gopher Hole: You played both sides of the field as a defensive back and wide receiver. Do you think that helps you as a defensive back knowing what a wide receiver is maybe thinking?


Blake Cashman: Yes. I definitely have a better understanding at different positions. I have learned a lot because I played corner. I played some safety, strong safety and nickel. I played strong side linebacker and I also played wide receiver. I was all over the field. I think it helped me out a lot. 


Gopher Hole: Do you think that is good because even in college you might see players switching positions? You have already played several positions, so you might already be ahead of the game.


Blake Cashman: It will definitely give me some confidence going into a different program. Completely new experience because I will have had some comfort whatever position they put me at because I have had a little bit of experience. 


Gopher Hole: Did you get a chance to attend many college football games this fall?


Blake Cashman: No, I did not. I wish I would have, but it didn’t work out.  


Gopher Hole: Did you go to any?


Blake Cashman: I went to a Gopher game. That wasn’t for a visit or anything. I went with Carter Coughlin, who is being recruited by a lot of big schools. I went on an unofficial with him to Wisconsin. They played South Florida. I went to an unofficial to UNI and watched them beat NDSU at home, which snapped their like 34-game winning streak. That was pretty exciting, but other than that, no.


Gopher Hole: Are you looking at five schools or would you say that you are just looking at three? 


Blake Cashman: If I go to a Division II and take a scholarship, I am leaning more towards UMD, but if I am walking on at a school, I am leaning more towards the Gophers. If I had to make a decision at this exact moment, I would probably just risk it and go walk-on for the Gophers.


Gopher Hole: Is there anyone that you are relying on anyone, family or coaches, to help you with this decision? 


Blake Cashman: I’ve asked a lot of people, Some former players who have walked-on and had that experience and asked them questions to see how they liked it. I’ve asked people who have close ties in with those programs, like NDSU and the Gophers, so I can get some honest feedback, so I am not get stringed along or anything like that because as a walk-on, it definitely worries me a little bit, but I have also gotten a lot of help from Coach Grant and a lot of the coaching staff. 


Gopher Hole: The Gophers have had some former Eden Prairie players like Grayson Levine. Do you know them? 


Blake Cashman: I do not know him. I know that he was a great athlete at Eden Prairie. He went on scholarship, I’m pretty sure. He is almost done. I don’t know him, but Coach Grant likes to compare him and I and help me out and get a better understanding for how I would fit in at a program like that.


Gopher Hole: What was it like to win a fourth straight title? It was a very close game in the Prep Bowl against Totino-Grace and you made a couple of big play individually to help get the win. How big was it to finish your career with another title? 


Blake Cashman: Senior year was definitely the most emotional. The most meaningful win. It was my last run in high school with all the guys I have been playing football with since third grade and the coaches that I have gotten to know over the past four years. It was different kind of road we took than the year before, my junior year, because we blew out every team. It seemed like a cakewalk. It was exciting and I enjoyed every second of it. 


Gopher Hole: Basketball-wise, you are off to a 17-2 start and have bounced back to win three straight after losing back-to-back games. How pleased are you with how well the team is playing so far this year? 


Blake Cashman: Impressed. I didn’t know what to expect going into the season because we had some guys that didn’t have any varsity experience, but I knew that we had some good talent because last year, we had a lot of athletes that were playing, but this year, we had a lot of athletes, but they are also basketball players. So, I have a lot of confidence in my coach and he thinks that this is one of the best offensive teams that he has ever coached. We have some things to clean up and our main goal is to win that section title and go to the state tournament, but I have been happy with the way that we have been playing. We were on a roll in the beginning. We had a little slump for two or three games and then we picked it up this week. I am ready to keep it rolling.


Gopher Hole: Do you know when you are going to try to make a decision? The signing date is coming up in a little more than a week. Are you going to try to do something then or will you wait? 


Blake Cashman: I think that I’ll for sure have a decision after my visit with NDSU, Seeing all the programs. I will have talked to all the coaches by then and have all questions answered and I should make a decision before signing day whether I’m not signing because I’m not taking a scholarship. 

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