Owatonna DE Andrew Stelter on Gophers Offer: It would be fun to play in front of my homestate and represent them.

Andrew Stelter, a junior defensive end from Owatonna (MN) High, recently received a scholarship offer from Minnesota.

Andrew Stelter, a junior defensive end from Owatonna (MN) High, recently received a scholarship offer from Minnesota. Stelter was the lone non-senior named to the Associated Press All-State team this week. GopherHole.com caught up with Stelter Saturday to learn the latest on this past season and his college recruitment.
Stelter led the Huskies to a 12-1 mark, losing in the 5A Prep Bowl title game to Totino-Grace 49-21.
Gopher Hole: You were named to the AP All-State team earlier this week. A big honor as you were the only junior named to the first team. How pleased were you with receiving that type of individual honor?
Andrew Stelter: It was really cool to have that given to me. I was hoping to make like all-State second team or honorable mention. I wasn’t expecting to be first team. It was a surprise. I was all ready in bed when I was told it, so I went on the computer and checked. It was cool.
Gopher Hole: How about this season? You came up just a little bit short against Totino-Grace, which was arguably the top team in the state regardless of class. You were undefeated going into that game. How pleased were you with the season?
Andrew Stelter: We were very happy with the way it turned out. It was our winningest season in our team history, which is like over 100 years. We broke multiple team records, individual records. It was just a great year. Probably the best team that I have been on. Hopefully, we can get back to the dome next year. It was great to get to the Dome and compete.
Gopher Hole: You lose some key seniors, but do you have a lot of players returning next season?
Andrew Stelter: We have a really strong junior class. I feel that we have a couple of guys like me, (fullback) Luke Wanous, (wide receiver) Ty Sullivan and (running back) Aaron Peterson, who also All-State (honorable mention) as a junior. I think that we should have a good run again next year. We are losing a couple of key players, but we have a bunch of juniors that are looking to step up and work hard in the offseason and get better and help us next fall.
Gopher Hole: Minnesota offered you a scholarship last month. What was the reaction when you heard that they were extended you an offer?
Andrew Stelter: It was awesome. It takes a big load off your shoulders, knowing that you’ve got that first one out of the way. You can just stop trying to impress so many people and just go play ball.
Gopher Hole: Did you get a chance to attend many college football games this season?
Andrew Stelter: Yes. I went to four of the Minnesota games. I went to Nebraska and Wisconsin. I was going to try to get to Iowa sometime, but it didn’t work out. I am going to try to get to Michigan and Michigan State sometime this spring or winter and talk to those guys and a couple of others schools like Iowa State, Pitt, Duke and Mizzou. Those are pretty much the main ones.
Gopher Hole: Did you get a chance to go to many college football camps this past summer?
Andrew Stelter: I went to a Lineman Challenge at Notre Dame and that was pretty good. I also went to the Gopher camp.
Gopher Hole: Have you thought much about Junior Days? I know that those are coming up in January and February. Have you heard from schools about being invited to those?
Andrew Stelter: Minnesota has talked to me about it. Nebraska has talked to me about it a couple of times. Hopefully, I can get to more. I am looking forward to going to a couple of those Junior Days and visited those campuses and schools more.
Gopher Hole: I know that it is still far away, but have you thought much about football camps next summer?
Andrew Stelter: I haven’t really started thinking about that yet, but I’ll probably go to quite a few.
Gopher Hole: What are you hearing from the Gophers?
Andrew Stelter: Just talking to a couple of guys. Talking about the program and their Bowl game. I am going to try to get up to one of their practices for the bowl game a week or two from now. Just go up there sometime. Go to a couple of basketball game or a hockey game. Just stuff like that.
Gopher Hole: You are playing basketball and I know that you are working your way into basketball shape. You lost some key players from last year’s team. What are the expectations for the upcoming season?
Andrew Stelter: We lost quite a few guys from last year. We were pretty much dominantly seniors, but I think we could have a pretty good season this year. We have a lot of talent on our team, if we can just mesh together and play ball the way we do.
Gopher Hole: How much do you think basketball helps you in terms of football with your foot work?
Andrew Stelter: It helps me a lot. It helps me stay quick and in shape and fast. It is just being out there and competiting. You can’t compare anything to competiting.
Gopher Hole: You also do track and field. Do you think that throwing the shot put and discus helps you in terms of foot work and strength training?
Andrew Stelter: Yes, that is big. A lot of lifting. A lot of explosive lifts. Explosive moves throughout the whole thing. Works on your quickness and is really helpful.
Gopher Hole: What things are you going to be working on this summer to improve yourself as a player?
Andrew Stelter: I’ll be lifting a lot and I will be going to camps. I’ll probably be watching film and practicing stuff with team camps and individual stuff. Working on speed, too.
Gopher Hole: What are you up to height and weight-wise right now?
Andrew Stelter: I’m 6-4 and 238 pounds. I lost a couple of pounds throughout the football season. I’d like to start next season right around 250 and keep my speed and quickness up. I think that would be good.
Gopher Hole: Have you done any 40 or bench press testing?
Andrew Stelter: We did that at the end of the summer. My 40 was 5.18 electric timed. I benched 300 and squatted 540 and clean 335.
Gopher Hole: Have you thought about when you would even try to decide on a college? I know that it is still so far away being only a junior. Have you given that much thought yet?
Andrew Stelter: Probably signing day my senior year would probably be when I would commit. I am just going to wait as long as I can and take my time making my decision.
Gopher Hole: What is going to be the main thing that is going to make pick School A over School B and School C?
Andrew Stelter: I want to stay in the Big Ten. Stay kind of close to home. The program. Where is it happening at? What do they have nutrition-wise? Strength-training wise? The coaches. Where I think that I will fit in the best.
Gopher Hole: Have you even thought much about a college major yet?
Andrew Stelter: Not a whole lot. I want to do something with exercise like science or physiology. I want to work with athletes.
Gopher Hole: What would it mean to play for the homestate school?
Andrew Stelter: It would be cool. It would be fun to play in front of my homestate and represent them. Have my family come to just about every single game that is home. It would be cool.

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