Gopherhole’s Sports Huddle Recap: Coach P.J. Fleck – 4/23/2017

After having Sunday off last week for Easter, P.J. Fleck returned to the Sports Huddle. The P.J. Fleck was taped and all of the questions raised were by Sid Hartman.

1) In the first question, Sid wanted to know how the shortage of offensive linemen hurt the team in spring ball:

Fleck replied, “We know what we have, but not what all of them can do.” However, he also said that all of the injured offensive linemen will be back – as well as other injured players – for fall training and they’ll know a lot more about team personnel.

2) Sid asked how many true freshmen (came in for the winter semester) participated in spring drills:

“Three guys started early, two quarterbacks and a linebacker,” Fleck answered. He didn’t elaborate as to the progress them made.

3) Sid opined that it looked as though the defensive line out played the offense line in the spring game:

Fleck quickly answered, “Never really happy with what you do (room for improvement).” Offensive line gave up too many sacks, according Fleck. Nevertheless, he was pleased with their effort and that they’re buying in to the transition to (new) culture.

4) Sid asked if they showed a lot of the offense in the spring game:

“We didn’t do a lot – 50 to 60% of the offense,” said Fleck. He went on to say that they (coaches) worried more about the offense mastering what they’ve been given, thus far. Fleck also said the growing pains due to the transition are not unusual in the first year.

5) Sid opined that the quarterbacks seemed to be accurate in the spring game:

“Our quarterbacks have been accurate,” Fleck replied quickly. According to Fleck they’ve been working on drop back passing, run-pass option, and passing while running. Fleck said offensive coordinator and quarterback coach Kirk Ciarrocca has done a great job working with the quarterback and implementing the new offensive system.

6) Sid, once again, asked about being short of personnel in the offensive line during the spring game:

Fleck said because they only had five offensive linemen available for the spring game that was the “point of having a running clock.”

7) Sid wanted to know how the offensive line graded at the conclusion at the completion of spring game:

Fleck quickly responded, “Wasn’t happy with the sacks!” On the positive side of his analysis, “Played extremely hard . . . great effort … (good) technique.” He cited the instructional work of offensive line coach Ed Warrimer as being a big plus in their development.

8) Sid asked about the running back position:

“We really like our running backs,” Fleck said. He said he’s excited having Rodney Smith and Shannon Brooks. Shannon Brooks was playing hurt in the spring game, so he didn’t play much. He then cited the play of Jonathan Femi-Cole and Kobe McCrary. Fleck likes the abilities and depth at the running back position.

9) Sid brought up his topic of Blake Cashman of getting a scholarship after the team’s Easter egg hunt:

Fleck acknowledged he knew Sid likes Blake Cashman and his frequent questions about whether or not he would receive a scholarship. He went on to say he kept his word about Cashman’s scholarship and that “our whole staff was excited” for Blake. He also was pleased with spontaneous, genuine response when they discovered that Blake had earned a scholarship.

10) Sid asked if there were any surprises since Fleck took the job of head coach:

No, not really,” Fleck answered. He then, however, expressed his appreciation for the support that the alumni base, fans and staff have shown during the transition.

11) Sid asked about Minneapolis North receiver Tyler Johnson. He mentioned that Tyler was a two sport athlete in high school:

Fleck told Sid that Tyler has the “potential to become something special.” He also said he was aware of Johnson’s high school playing days of football and basketball. He said they like athletes that play other sports besides football.

12) Sid asked about the receiver position:

“Not deep,” said Fleck. However, he said they’ll have more depth with the incoming (2017) class. Again, he said some of the receivers have potential to be something special; wide receiver “coach (Matt) Simon has a lot of clay to mould.”

13) Sid said he understood freshman recruiting is going well:

Fleck told Sid their success in recruiting is because “we’re just us – energy and passion . . . facilities (under construction) . . . we have one of the best cities and institution in the world.”

14) Sid asked about new changes in recruiting:

As far as an earlier signing date, Fleck said it has “moved the calendar up.” For Fleck, however, the biggest (positive) change is allowing official visits in the spring. He mentioned the spring time weather in Minnesota as being a tremendous plus, as opposed to official visits in the winter.

15) Sid mentioned the lack of personnel at this time, especially at certain positions:

Responding philosophically, Fleck said, “It’ll do what it does!” Fleck sounding more positive, said the needed changes in player personnel will be met.

16) Sid asked Fleck if the job at Minnesota has been everything he hoped it would be:

Speaking with excitement in his voice, “Everything I thought it’d be . . . love being here . . . Can win championships here – it will happen!”

17) Sid asked how “row-the-boat” is going:

Fleck said it’s going well “we have some tremendous leaders on the team,” which are helping, bringing about a new culture at Minnesota.

18) Sid mentioned a recent Minnesota high school clinic:

Fleck spoke glowingly about the state’s coaches, “great support from Minnesota high school coaches . . . we’re excited.”

19) Sid asked about recruiting and the many offers that have given:

“We recruiting a ton,” said Fleck. He then hastened to add that they can sign 25 players. 

He also told Sid the coaches are on the road recruiting “as we speak.”

20) Sid asked what he’s doing to increase ticket sales:

Fleck stressed he wants game day to be a fun event “something you can bring the whole family to . . . fun on game day!”

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