College Football OT Rules Explained: A Must-Read for New Fans

If you’re new to college football, the excitement of a game going into overtime can be thrilling yet confusing. Understanding the rules for college football overtime can enhance your enjoyment of the sport and help you appreciate the strategic elements that come into play during these intense moments.

College football overtime rules are distinct from those in the NFL, and they have evolved over time to ensure fairness and maintain the excitement of the game. In this article, you’ll learn how college football overtime works and what makes it unique.

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College Football Overtime Rules

The overtime rules in college football are structured to ensure that both teams have an equal chance to score. Unlike the NFL, where a single sudden-death score can end the game, college football ensures both teams get a fair shot.

The Basic Structure

When a game ends in a tie after regulation time, the overtime begins. Each team is granted one possession from the opposing team’s 25-yard line, and the game is won by the team that scores the most points during these possessions. If the score remains tied, the game proceeds to another overtime period, repeating the process until a winner is determined.

Scoring in Overtime

Teams can score a touchdown, attempt a field goal, or even force a turnover. When a team scores a touchdown during overtime, they have the option to kick for an extra point or go for a two-point conversion. Starting from the second overtime period, teams are required to go for a two-point conversion after a touchdown, which adds another layer of strategy and excitement to the game.

New College Football Overtime Rules

Recent changes have introduced new elements to the overtime rules for college football to reduce the length of games and the physical toll on players. One significant change is the implementation of two-point conversion attempts starting from the second overtime period instead of the third. If the game reaches a third overtime, it becomes a two-point conversion shootout, with teams alternating two-point conversion attempts until a winner is decided​.

What Are the Overtime Rules in College Football?

Understanding what are the college overtime rules football can help you follow the game more closely and enjoy the strategic maneuvers that coaches and players use to secure a win.

Equal Possessions

One of the most critical aspects of the college football overtime rules is that each team gets an equal chance to score. This rule ensures that both teams have a fair opportunity to win the game, preventing a single possession from deciding the outcome.

Defensive Strategies

Defensive strategies in overtime are crucial. Teams must balance the need to prevent scores with the possibility of taking risks to force turnovers. Understanding these strategies can give you a deeper appreciation of the game’s complexities during overtime.

Game Duration

The overtime rules college football has adopted aim to keep the game engaging without making it overly lengthy. By introducing mandatory two-point conversions earlier, the game is more likely to conclude within a reasonable time frame, maintaining player safety and viewer interest.

How Does College Football Overtime Work?

Knowing how college football overtime works can make watching these nail-biting moments even more enjoyable.

The Overtime Process

When regular play concludes with a tied score, the game advances to overtime. A coin toss decides which team will start with the ball, with each team then taking turns to score from the opponent’s 25-yard line. This process continues until one team outscores the other in a given overtime period.

Strategy and Play Calling

Coaches often adjust their play calling during overtime to reflect the unique starting position and the high stakes. Gaining an understanding of these strategic changes can deepen your appreciation of the game’s complexities.

Special Teams Play

Special teams play a crucial role in overtime. From field goal attempts to kickoffs, these plays can decide the outcome of the game. Knowing the rules and typical strategies for special teams during overtime can enhance your viewing experience.


College football overtime rules bring a unique and exciting dynamic to the game, ensuring that each team has an equal chance to secure a victory. The structure of overtime, the strategic decisions made by coaches, and the thrilling nature of each play make understanding these rules essential for any new fan.

Remember, balancing your love for football with academic duties is essential. If you’re overwhelmed, consider using a writing service to help balance your academic and extracurricular commitments effectively. Embrace your passion for the game, stay on top of your studies, and enjoy every exciting moment of college football!

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