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Thanks STPGopher for your support and the other great fans on this board!
You doing alright? I sure hope so! We are all humans. Supporting you in any way is easy. That yoke is light. Bless you brother!

How is your Mom? and how are you?
I have not spoken Florida States AD yet. The AD can't force my younger brother into a mental hospital. I'll the AD for a plea deal. If brother checks into a psychometric hospital for a year I will drop the charges against on attack. A better choice for him. He needs to learn how to take care of himself before my mother is no longer around

God bless you!

What year did you graduate from Gustavus? I was a '96 grad. My brother was a '90 grad. Loved life on The Hill and vaguely remember hearing the Debbie Gibson rumors from my brother...(just finally broke down and read the rest of JD thread).
To Hungan1
Fox Delux, 2 a case.s as in 24 beers total? Sounds like it was made in a bathtub in a frat house tube.

When I was at GSC,before it became a univeritiy I usue to save $2 and get 8oz beers for .25cents at a dive in Statesboro. I'd save another $2 for a 6 pack of Black Lable for Saturday nights

Our Collage education tought the importance of saving and the meaning of a had full of quorters! :cool:
Fox Deluxe was a party killer in my day.
If you're going bear hunting, you better be prepared to go get the bear.
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60's Guy
If you go bear hunting what’s the plan if you get one? (1) Heavy to get out of the woods? (2) Food value? (3) Expensive rug!
Just curious...obviously bear ? hunting would be down on my list of things to do.

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