New profile posts

Hi guys, I'm new here! Since I can remember, I’ve always been a sports fan. I haven’t been a student for a long time, but I have a direct bearing on student life and educational programmes so please feel free to write me on any matter!
I have been in the tech business for a very long time. I am now familiar with the ins and outs of the hacking, cracking, monitoring, and other related fields. Currently, my goal is spread information on these topics through blog. You can check out my “snapchat hack download” article to get an idea of what I’m up to.
I recently was reminded of the following quote from a conversation I had at the local pub. "How dare you bloody Americans with your short attention spans lecturing us about boring when all your games have absolutely zero flow to them. I would rather watch paint dry than sports that stop and start because of your need to have commercial breaks. That my friend is boring." It's always interesting getting a different view point from a soccer-football supporter with more passion than anything we have here in our fine country.
It depends on how far Mississippi State falls down tomorrow. Mississippi State needs to stay in front of MSU. I'm guessing MSU will be 9th tomorrow night which means Miss St needs to fall 4 places or less.

To post an image; right click and then click 'Copy image URL'....
then go to your post and click 'insert image'(it is an icon on the same line as the smiley face(third from the right)........
click 'from url' .......
post in the 'URL box' and uncheck the 'retrieve remote file' box....
then click OKAY.

Hope this helps
i might be able to talk my brother into going with me if you would do $50or the pair.
Just spending the summer away because I saw where it would be going. Also spent most of my summer off the computer, reading and studying.
Make an all things Malik Rucker thread! I don't think Rucker is going to make a commitment anytime soon, and it would be helpful to have one place where we could post everything. Thanks.
Was it you that made the freeze frame of the onside kick against Iowa? if it was do you know what thread it was in? I can't seem to find. it was hilarious about and i wanted to show someone else. thanks for your help.
At this point, I'm thinking something like 11-7 or 12-6 in the Big Ten and a seed somewhere between 6 and 9 in the tournament. I'll be disappointed in anything less.
You are pretty clued in on the currency issue. But it ain't over until it is over and I am fighting to the dirty end. We have a Tea Party fiscal Conservative running for Congress here and we are hosting a "Meet and Greet" at the house for him in our community in a few days. We have to win this back a vote at a time. It can be done. We are on the same side, just different interpretations of FP and ND. No hate on that. Just some tuff skin required from time to time.
I know you remember, but about 5 years ago I said the Fed was intentionally killing our dollar so we can migrate to a new common currency. That's why it doesn't matter how much we spend/borrow/print because we're never going to pay it back or rather we'll pay back the trillions of dollars, but only when their value is millions of dollars. That's why China wants a new trading currency to replace the US dollar NOW, because they see what's happening. I also went on saying the only way to get Americans to willingly abandon their dollar is if it's worthless to the point that their life savings is mostly wiped out & their home's are worth nothing. Then we switch over to the Amero or some other currency & people will be grateful. It's happening & there won't be a recovery DH, only a new beginning.
I'm having trouble posting comments at FireJerryKill. I really like reading the site. Some of the best sports writing I see on the web.

When I try to post a comment I am told I have not entered the code correctly. Don't know if that's something on my end or yours.

Loved the Dungy piece on your site. The jockocracy has always been on the conservative side of the fence culturally and politically, but like everything else in this society, it seems to be something that is becoming increasingly politicized and used as a wedge issue. I have a bad case of Dungy fatigue and his prancing around on the gay marriage issue (I am diametrically opposed to Dungy's stance) only makes that worse.

Keep up the good work and if there's a way you can help me correct my posting problems I'd appreciate it.


Was going to ask this in the "Official Becky Pregame Threat" but thought it would be better to ask here. Why don't we do a similar bet with buckyville in men's basketball? Could make it more fun since we play them twice. Whomever loses each game has to change the banner for three days or something.
Thanks for the note brother, I've only repeated what Ron Paul & other important free thinkers were saying some years back. What's really scary is if I'm (read: those same people) correct over the next 10 years? If so we're headed towards an epic economic collapse & civil unrest & God I hope I'm (they're) wrong.

My biggest fear is that right now is economic collapse paired with OWS growing more unruly & the mutual dislike between them & the TP, is that we're watching the evolution of an angry right vs left civil conflict, paired with the worsening economy, bringing people to the streets against one another, which justifies some sort of US troops/Martial Law/who-knows-what(?) that will of course lead to all kinds of bad things.

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