Zachary Witchett

They didn't want to take a chance on a kid who they didn't know could stay out of trouble during his college career. He was suspended 3 separate times during his senior year of HS. They received two commitments from WR they liked on the same day (1/6), and his offer was pulled either later that day or the next. I suspect that if Georgia hadn't been receiving all the PR flak they have lately that it wouldn't have been an issue, but they feel they need to rehab their image as a thug program.

He's a three star on both scout and rivals. I would like to add another solid WR threat but we don't need bad guys in this program. I hope kill is the kind of coach that won't sacrifice character for talent

Like to see him come in for a visit, and let everyone get to know each other and find out if he's grown up yet. He's been scaring people away, maybe he'll figure it out and realize that either he fits in or is out the door. This guy looks like another Harvin; gamebreaking speed coming out of the slot and he would look good in maroon and gold if he can behave himself.

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