You'll Never Walk Alone


Well-known member
Sep 24, 2009
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When you walk through the storm
Hold your head up high
And don't be afraid of the Dark

At the end of the storm
There's a golden sky
And the sweat silver song of the lark

Walk on through the wind
Walk on through the rain
Tho your dreams be tossed and blown

Walk on
Walk oooon

With hope in your heart
Cause you'll never walk alone



...imagine our student section like this...

Great. Just great.

Now we've got scousers showing up here in the Hole. Make sure you've got spare hubcaps, because they're going to start disappearing soon.

Great, now we're all going to get knifed.

What's the only ship that's never docked in Liverpool? The Premiership.

I prefer this one. Start paying attention at 0:30.

It is my dream to have the whole stadium sing this (with wisconsin instead of Chelsea FC obviously) at an axe game.

I hate to say it, but the pace and rhythm of American Football doesn't lend itself to constant chants and songs as well as Football Football does. If we could pull it off, that would be great though! I see it happening for Gopher Hockey before it happens to Gopher Football.

Let's stay on task here. It is not Liverpool's song, it is the Gopher's song.

Our marketing department is so effed (black eyed peas in the 4th q, come on).

The trick is in creating a community. If we make this our song (once before kickoff and once before 4th q), it will become a community. You'll meet alumni all over the world with YNWA shirts, ect. No one teaches their sons House of Pain (what a joke). The first song your kids will learn is YNWA.

What better way to drive a fan base (and increase it) then by creating a sense of community and doing something that no other sports team (let alone University) is doing.

Some one from the band has got to take control of this.

Go Gophers.


I think the lyrics and tone of the west ham song would be a better fit for the gophs...a little less serious, and a lot more fun...

This could be the fringebowlteams theme song:

im forever blowing bubbles
pretty bubbles in the aire
they fly so high they
nearly reach the sky
then like my dreams they fade and die.

fortunes always hiding
ive looked everywhere
im forever blowing bubbles
pretty bubbles in the air

Let's stay on task here. It is not Liverpool's song, it is the Gopher's song.

Our marketing department is so effed (black eyed peas in the 4th q, come on).

The trick is in creating a community. If we make this our song (once before kickoff and once before 4th q), it will become a community. You'll meet alumni all over the world with YNWA shirts, ect. No one teaches their sons House of Pain (what a joke). The first song your kids will learn is YNWA.

What better way to drive a fan base (and increase it) then by creating a sense of community and doing something that no other sports team (let alone University) is doing.

Some one from the band has got to take control of this.

Go Gophers.

No. Under no circumstances should a scouser song make it into our stadium. Might as well start singing Varsity. Bleh.

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