You can't make it up


New member
Sep 18, 2010
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Do any of you listen to the Gopher's games on the radio? Their main radio sponsor on WCCO radio is a funeral home. I'm not kidding. And it's been that way for as long as I can remember. They sometimes even say "Washburn McCravy (funeral home) and the Gophers" and then something about a winning combination or tradition or something.

What can you say about team that is sponsored by a funeral home/graveyard? What's next? Will our wide receivers be sponsored by Butterfingers and our defense sponsored by a marshmallow company?

Do any of you listen to the Gopher's games on the radio? Their main radio sponsor on WCCO radio is a funeral home. I'm not kidding. And it's been that way for as long as I can remember. They sometimes even say "Washburn McCravy (funeral home) and the Gophers" and then something about a winning combination or tradition or something.

What can you say about team that is sponsored by a funeral home/graveyard? What's next? Will our wide receivers be sponsored by Butterfingers and our defense sponsored by a marshmallow company?

-I'm pretty sure Washburn McGreavy is a big sponsor because a ton old people listen to the Gophers hoping to recreate the nostalgia of 50 years ago.
-Beside the fact that Ray Christensen does the ads it is going to be a great day when they are no longer a title sponsor of Minnesota Football.
-After the first 5 games it could be appropriate to say, "I am going down to a memorial service at Washburn McGreavy because the Gopher football program passed away."

What you also need to realize is Bill McReavy is a great booster for the Gopher football program. We could use another 1,000 like him.

I have no personal problem with Bill. I don't know the first thing about him. But you have to admit that it sounds a little funny when you have a team with decades of futility and their main sponsor is a funeral home/graveyard. Who was the PR genius who gave the go-ahead on that one.

They could have gone with a number of other sponsors:

  • The people who do the I've fallen and can't get up adds
  • Any headache pill add
  • Maybe an ED add

What you also need to realize is Bill McReavy is a great booster for the Gopher football program. We could use another 1,000 like him.

This is very very true.
Seems a little odd at face value, but I would take more like Bill McReavy and his family supporting Golden Gopher football.

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