You can complain about the play calling at the end all you want but


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2008
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how can any play work when you have two or three bad snaps in a row. Yikes. Where did that come from. That prevented us from winning as much as anything. One first down there and we most likely win. No matter what play was called the play was doomed from the beginning. That better be corrected next year. Quite a few bad snaps this year.

That was what stuck out to me. Young players letting the situation get the best of them rather than breaking through with the victory. They really played nervous the last couple drives.

I think the inability to get a first down out of either of the INTs toward the end was just mind boggling. It was a combination of bad execution (on running plays designed to burn the clock and bad throws by Gray/Nelson to the sidelines), bad play calls (some of the pass calls are frustrating but we weren't exactly moving the ball on the ground in the clutch), and then horrible luck in the way the INT on us happened and was returned for far too many yards.

Add that to the TD slant with no safety there to contain in the slightest (Claeys admitted his fault) and you just have a series of events that give us what we got. So frustrating that the D played nearly lights out in the 2nd half - not the first time this season Claeys and co made excellent halftime adjustments - only to give up 1 bad play and put in a crummy situation at the very end.

Doc, that really stood out to me too. I guess maybe the bouncing among 3 centers caught up with them. Hope Kline and company can get the darn injury bug under contorl by next August.

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