You can call me crazy, but we wii beat MICHIGAN !

Nov 20, 2008
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They play at Nebraska the week before our November 3rd game at home against them. They'll have an emotional victory at Nebraska and come into TCF stadium flat as a pancake. Another reason they will take us lightly is they totally waxed us last year at Michigan. I have a gut feeling Robinson will come in beat up after the Nebraska game. Other intangibles? Our secondary is much improved over last year,
Gray will be at QB, ( Max had a horrible game at Michigan) and the key is we will be reasonably healthy and pumped after a tough loss to Purdue at home the week before. So there it is boys. The stars are aligned for this Carnac prediction. All right
weenies start the " Lawn Boy" on me and cut me off at the ankles and tell me I need to be admitted to Flakey Acres!!

I believe that I read somewhere (ESPN?) that this was a trap game for Michigan. Anybody else remember reading this or am I crazy like rupperflywheel? P.S. The last part was a rhetorical question.

Their game at Nebraska could very well be a game look out.

You might be crazy but I guess anything is possible. Lots of football to be played between now and the Michigan game so who knows what kind of shape either squad will be in when that game rolls around. As things stand today I don't like our chances against them but one month from now things could look very different.

Are you Biff Tannen? Do you have the 2015 sports record book in your hands right now? If not- then you are crazy.

They may beat us 99/100 times. But that still leaves one time. I am expecting the worst, but I'm always hoping for the best. I never thought Nystrom would sink #2 Penn St. in Happy Valley, either.

I would wet my Jockeys if I got to peep the Jug at Nagurski, though. :)

I don't know karate, but I know ka-razy, and you are ka-razy.

There are people call me crazy too, User. I just tell them that they finally speak the truth.

I think we'll pull off a shocker this season. My bet is Michigan State, but I'd be happier if we had that Jug!

We will not beat Michigan. For some reason they always seem to lose a game the week before and then take it out on us the following week. They treat the Jug like it is meaningless but they do not like losing it and have not very often. Would I hope the Gophers win yes, do I think they will win the Michigan game no. We will have no answer for Denard Robinson, for that I color you crazy.

We will not beat Michigan. For some reason they always seem to lose a game the week before and then take it out on us the following week. They treat the Jug like it is meaningless but they do not like losing it and have not very often. Would I hope the Gophers win yes, do I think they will win the Michigan game no. We will have no answer for Denard Robinson, for that I color you crazy.

You also questioned my mindset when I said Oregon State would beat Wisconsin....cheers

Hopefully we will see 1977! all over again.

They could come in having lost two in a row on the road; if, so they won't lose a third. I don't see us stopping Denard, either. MSU maybe, if the weather cooperates.

I have also predicted this. How about some snow!!!!!!!!!

Go Gophers !!!!!!!!

Ruppertyflywheel I hope your right

I don't share your optimisim for the Michigan game, but I hope you are right and I am wrong.

Flywheel-you're only allowed one upset pick a year. It's been used up already. I can't imagine we'll beat the fake U of M, but if I'm wrong and you are right, drinks are on me all flip'n night.

there is no way in hell we beat either michigan schools, nebraska or wisconsin sorry folks we are not there yet...

there is no way in hell we beat either michigan schools, nebraska or wisconsin sorry folks we are not there yet...

We play Michigan St. well every year. We damn near beat them last year, and our team this year is much better, while theirs is much worse.

there is no way in hell we beat either michigan schools, nebraska or wisconsin sorry folks we are not there yet...

We will be significant underdogs in all of those games but one thing I have learned about college football, and it is especially true in recent years, andything can happen on a week to week basis. I wouldn't bet my house on an upset in any of thsoe games but I also would not be shocked to see an upset happen in one of those games either.

That was very bad. I would expect something like that from Dr.Don but I never suspected that you would sink that low for a laugh.

Killjoy, I thought 19's analogy was spot on. And it is not the flipping of the coin that is a toss-up, it is the prediction of the outcome that is the toss up.

Flipping a coin and winning is pure unadulterated luck. Drinking a beer and enjoying it is 100% a sure thing.

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