

Active member
Nov 20, 2008
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Just picked seats today, what a TOUGH choice still lots of good seats left!!!!! Cannot wait, less than 5 months away!!!

Lots of good seats still available

Today I was able to get virtually the same seats I had in the Metrodome - lower deck, 15-yard line.

Just picked seats today, what a TOUGH choice still lots of good seats left!!!!! Cannot wait, less than 5 months away!!!

I pick tomorrow, and I kind of feel nervous.. What is that all about? I should feel nothing but excitement and joy. I wonder if my dreams tonight will be about obstructed views? Maybe it is just my bank account that is nervous??

NO obstructed views!

I pick tomorrow, and I kind of feel nervous.. What is that all about? I should feel nothing but excitement and joy. I wonder if my dreams tonight will be about obstructed views? Maybe it is just my bank account that is nervous??

There are thousands of amazing seats available which made it so difficult! A good thing to have too many good choices vs. not any...

Does it look like most people are choosing to make the extra donation or are they sitting outside the 20's

Rudy was just on TV today....I think someone needs to make the t-shirt for Sept. 12. When his dad looks out on to the field for the first time and says, "This is the finest sight these eyes have seen." It could have the quote on the front and Sept. 12, 2009 on the back, of course make these in maroon and gold.

Damn, shouldnt have given away the idea.

can someone post the link showing what seats have been selected so far?


There is no outside link to view the seats selected so far. You can only access this information if you are a season ticket holder. If you are, log in to your account on gophersports and click "select 2009 seats" in the upper corner.

u can also check the other link/topic where the stats have been provided by someone manually


There is no outside link to view the seats selected so far. You can only access this information if you are a season ticket holder. If you are, log in to your account on gophersports and click "select 2009 seats" in the upper corner.

That explains it, I'm number 73 on the waiting list. I have a friend who's a season ticketholder, so, I'll check it out at his place.

Just got mine!!

Went yesterday and picked-up very nice seats for the $100 donation. I'm nowhere near my fantastic seats from years past, but the new seats are better than I was expecting. Tons of good seats left.

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