Wow, Roy Williams at his old tricks: Don't sell tickets, or else


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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“For some of our fans to … get tickets through the Rams Club, and sell their tickets to UNLV boosters that are sitting right behind our families, I don’t like that,’’ he said. “And if the shoe fits, wear it. I don’t care who it is, and I’ll tell the sucker face-to-face: I do not like that, will not like that, don’t ever forget it. I’m trying to find out who it was.”

He later added: “People have a right -- but not our people. You’re either with me, or you’re not. There’s no middle ground.”

Go Gophers!!

He later added: “People have a right -- but not our people. You’re either with me, or you’re not. There’s no middle ground.”

Sounds a little like Chavez, Chicago politics, and a number of other despots and dictators. Pretty unbelievable that he would bite the hand that feeds him. Pretty thin skinned, but I guess you get away with that when you have four first round draft choices in your starting line up. Roy should get some therapy.

All of that fake baking as clearly clouded his judgement. Must be the ultra-violet lighting.

As a Duke fan, I'm amused by 'Ole Roy's antics. Good coach and an even better program builder but the elevator doesn't go to the top floor. However, I'll take 'Ole Roy over cheats, liars, and just plain bad people like Calipari, Calhoun, Pearl, and Pitino. Those 4 are the dumpster of the college basketball coaching profession as far as I'm concerned. Heck, I'd take Sweat Gary Sweat over those 4. I think 'Ole Roy is a good person at heart and runs a clean program. He's just that crazy uncle that has no filter.

Don't Gopher fans on the football board talk about this same thing? Selling tickets to the opponent making you not a true fan? Or am I understanding Roy's quotes incorrectly?

Don't Gopher fans on the football board talk about this same thing? Selling tickets to the opponent making you not a true fan? Or am I understanding Roy's quotes incorrectly?

A little different when you are talking about selling tickets in your own stadium to visiting team's fans. The blue were on the opposite side of the country in a "neutral" site, not in the Dean Dome. Those NC fans probably paid big bucks for those tickets and have a right to recoup if they can't get to the game, have a change of plans, etc. He can be torqued off about it if he wants to, but his reaction was over the top.

Mr. Daggum is pretty goofy, but I would fully support a Gopher coach saying the same thing.

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