lack of of arrogance at that game

Art Vandelay

Nov 21, 2008
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One guy returns an INT for a TD and throws the ball 50 rows up in the stands.

Another kid commits to Michigan and he's dancing and flexing for the camera instead of listening to the guy asking him questions.

Carter picks WV and already declares for the NFL draft after his Jr. year.

And we wonder why athletes are arrogant pricks?!?!

yea that michigan guy flexing was ridiculous, he wasn't even paying attention to the guy trying to interview him.

I don't agree with you much Art, but I agree with you here. We wonder why a lot of professional athletes are largely a bunch of pr*cks these days, but it's understandable when you realize they have been practicing at it since their junior year in high school.

I'm with Art and 50-pound here.

One of the biggest problems I have with athletes is their arrogance and for some reason, football players seem to like to flaunt themselves at an alarming rate. It happens all the time in the NFL and its also becoming common at the college and high school levels.

It really is quite distasteful when you get right down to it. :mad:

Who really cares about the guy interviewing him? It's a big moment for the kid. Let him celebrate. What's the big deal with throwing a football into the stands? Not that big of a deal at all.

are you joking runner?

" Who really cares about the guy interviewing him? It's a big moment for the kid. Let him celebrate. What's the big deal with throwing a football into the stands? Not that big of a deal at all."
Its about class and maturity...integrity? Those kids might be on TV in an all star game but their not in the NFL where that behavior ads to the "show". If those were my kids, there would be a slap coming down. Act like a student athlete that has been given the opportunity to play NCAA football and get a free education. Probably embarrassed their high school coach and parents.

whatever they are doing, its working. These guys havent even reported to a collegiate practice and were already talking about them.

I don't see the rationale in thinking that it's ok for people in the NFL to act that way and it's not ok for anyone else to perform those same actions. The main purpose of this game is for entertainment. Scoring TD or getting a college to pay for you to go to their school is worth celebrating. Neither one of these guys were doing anything derogatory or trying to embarrass anyone. They were simply showing emotion. I don't see anything wrong with that, or the way they chose to do it.

I don't see the rationale in thinking that it's ok for people in the NFL to act that way and it's not ok for anyone else to perform those same actions. The main purpose of this game is for entertainment. Scoring TD or getting a college to pay for you to go to their school is worth celebrating. Neither one of these guys were doing anything derogatory or trying to embarrass anyone. They were simply showing emotion. I don't see anything wrong with that, or the way they chose to do it.

It's part of a larger culture that suggests that acting like a disrespectful punk is "cool". As long as that culture praises punks, this is what we get.

No, it's not good entertainment, unless you love a watching trainwreck (as so many of us do). That same kid acting respectful and catching the game-winning pass in a BCS bowl, now that's good entertainment.

As today's game showed, getting paid in the NFL doesn't turn them into clowns - they've been that way for a long time.

Example, they showed a clip of a prior Army All-American game where DeSean Jackson attempts to flip into the endzone but he lands at the 1. Fast forward to this year on MNF where he drops the ball before crossing the goal line. See the clip below.

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