Wow! Follow up to an earlier thread -Chizik to Auburn


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Nov 20, 2008
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Both Rivals and Scout have reports stating Iowa State head coach Gene Chizik is going to be Auburn's next head coach. Auburn must really be focusing on his defensive coordinator work and reputation at Auburn and Texas. His two year record as a head coach for the Cyclones: 5 and 19. He was 2-14 in the Big 12 with the two conference victories in the 2007 season.

Go Gophers!!

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Go Gophers!!

Its a good hire for them...he is one of the best minds in the college game. The talent level at ISU and what he had to work with would leave any coach with a lack of success at first IMO. Chizik is familar with Auburn, he has been successful there and he is a very good X's and O's coach.

To Quote that Modern Day Genius....

The Bootleggers Boy in that modern day masterpiece The Bootleggers Boy, "It ain't the xes and the oes, it's the Jimmies and the Joes."

Iowa State shouldn't have sent McCarney packing. They will now pay. Chizik pulls this one off and he's freaking brilliant. Gawd knows Auburn will have him dirt cheap, too. This and Ksuck's brilliance the last couple of weeks insures the Buddha will be Bowling for the next 3 years for sure.

Rock Chalk Jayhawk, Beat Mizzou

Its a good hire for them...he is one of the best minds in the college game. The talent level at ISU and what he had to work with would leave any coach with a lack of success at first IMO. Chizik is familar with Auburn, he has been successful there and he is a very good X's and O's coach.

But why bring in a defense-minded guy when the absolute least of your program's problems is its defense? And why pay him 3 mil year?

I agree, Auburns problem was *NOT* their Defense in the least.......

I was thinking about this move earlier and my first thought was 'Why would Auburn fire Tubberville to bring in this guy?' Then after I thought about it some more, I realized that about 2 years ago, people were thinking 'Why would the Gophers fire Glen Mason to bring in this guy?'. Even though that is a valid question, Brewster fit some specific needs that this program needed. Auburn must really like something about Chizik to make a move like this; it's definitely a bold one. It'll be interesting to see if he pans out, and I can't imagine a head of coach in any sport, college or pro, who will have more pressure on him next year.

gopher7..or it could be......

that Auburn jumped the gun. Too much pressure from the big boys who have the big money and wanted Tuberville gone. No matter that there is no one in their back pocket who they would like to hire as their next coach.
That is how it was with Mason. I still think Maturi's timing was awful and it cost last years recruiting class. And, being that Mason was brought up, Maturi had no idea who his next coach was going to be. In fact, he said that he didn't even know Tim Brewster before the interview process.
I love college football, but there are definitely some things that need to be fixed.

I am sure Chizik will bring along a quality OC, its more important that he is a good coach as in teacher and game planner and recruiter than some sort of offensive genius IMO.

The competition in the SEC is stiff and the expectations are high, should be interesting to see how he does.

I am sure Chizik will bring along a quality OC, its more important that he is a good coach as in teacher and game planner and recruiter than some sort of offensive genius IMO.

The competition in the SEC is stiff and the expectations are high, should be interesting to see how he does.

He better hope so because he just had to demote his coordinators a week or two ago at Iowa State and was drawing some criticism for hiring his friends there rather than getting good quality assistants.

The word making the rounds is that Tubs was fired because he wasn't a "yes" man to TPTB at AU. Chizik presented no such problem.

Tuberville has been very loyal to a group of assistants who have been with him since he started at Ole Miss. They are known as the BBQ Boys. It looks like Tuberville was asked to fire some or all of the coaches in this group and he said no.

Former coach Pat Dye still has influence at Auburn and Chizik reminds the power brokers of a young Pat Dye. Whatever the reasons for hiring him, he is a big step down from Tuberville.

Punched in the gut

From watching excerpts of the video and listening to the on-line streaming, I'd opine that the Iowa State athletic director gave a very good physical impression yesterday at his press conference of someone who had been punched right in the gut.

Unfortuneatly for ISU, now they get to start over, basically lose this year's recruiting class, try to shoehorn each of the existing players into whatever system the new coach would like to implement, et. al.

Does any of that sound familiar, Gopher fans?

Does anybody think Mason could be a candidate for ISU? He's got ties to the area (MN, KS, Bay) and a history of making bad programs respectable again.

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