Worst Gopher Era's


Aug 21, 2009
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Having been a student during the Salem era, I wanted to put it the worst. Starting 1982 3-0 and from the Illinois game on, he was 1-18 to the end of his coaching stint. I was also present at the 81 Wisconsin game when we had 10 guys on the field and allowed Wisconsin to steal it from us in the final minutes.

In the end, it was Brewster's rivalry record that did him in with me along with no memorable victories. Salem at least beat Ohio State and had some rivalry victories. Although Wacker had a worse record, he could at least beat Wisconsin and Iowa occasionally. Here is my order: (Rivalry is Michigan, Wisconsin, and Iowa).

1 Tim Brewster
Record 15 – 30 – 0
Rivalry Record 0 – 9 – 0
Worst Moment 2008 Northwestern Game
Best Moment 2008 Illinois Game

2 Joe Salem
Record 19 – 36 – 1
Rivalry Record 3 – 12 – 0
Worst Moment 1982 Northwestern Game
Best Moment 1981 Ohio State Game

3 Jim Wacker
Record 16 – 39 – 0
Rivalry Record 3 – 12 – 0
Worst Moment No winning seasons
Best Moment 1993 Wisconsin Game

Honorable mention for Jim Wacker on Best was the Syracuse game. I couldn't think of a specific game that was the worst of all his losses. I picked the 93 game which prevented Wisconsin from being undefeated.

Why did I pick the 1982 Northwestern loss over the 84-13 Nebraska drubbing? The Nebraska result was expected. But Northwestern hadn’t beaten a Big Ten team in years. Remember, this is before ESPN. I think I first heard murmurs of the defeat in the Centennial hall cafeteria. It was a total shock. Remember before the Illinois defeat the week before, the Gophers were ranked in the top 20!

Why did I pick the 2008 loss against Northwestern in 2008 over the South Dakota game? Because that truly ended his one chance at a great season. If Decker doesn't sprain his ankle, Minnesota can't lose that game. Michigan or Wisconsin could have been beaten and given the Gopher's 9 regular season wins. If Decker doesn't get injured, he may have survived this year's disaster.

Just for fun I'm trying to think of the positive things that came out of these era's:

Brewster Era: The phrase "Get your chili hot" and TCF Bank stadium (Not really Brew, but it opened during the Brew years)

Salem Era: Wasn't alive, didn't have to live through it.

Wacker Era: I don't care about your unrefined opinions, the Wacker Era had the best jerseys. Also Dick Bremer as the TV announcer (again not that it had anything to do with Wacker but Dick is my guy).

Locker room?

Didn't Brew also claim to have been the designer of the Bank's football shaped locker room? Maybe that could be added to the list of Brew's good things.


I was also a student during the Salem era. During my time at the U, I was probably the most apathetic toward Gopher football as I've ever been.
I would have Salem #1 on the list. High expectations turned into a total bust. The Nebraska loss is the colossal loss of the current Gopher era. For me, it's hands down Salem. Brewster deserves mention for sure, and the lost to the Coyotes stung, but for me, he's a long way from Salem.

Brewster versus Salem

I agree CWCWCW. I was struggling with that one. But to me, he did actually beat Ohio State, Wisconsin, and Iowa at some time. On the other hand, during that 1982 season, 6 of 11 opponents score 50 or more points! Yes, I think you are correct.

Thanks, beatles! I was wondering if there was a place to go and get the official list of acceptable posting topics.

I would say it's Brewster. All things being equal, Brewster came at a time when we had expectations could have made a step up, so his failure was that much more depressing. Mason got us out of the cellar and got people caring. Brew killed all of that momentum.

There were mini-eras that were bad, such as 1950-51: only three wins over two seasons (the upside being that Giel appeared in '51); 1957-59 (collapse of the '57 nationally ranked Gophers with Bobby Cox at QB, followed by a one-win season and a two-win season - the upside being the appearance of Sandy Stephens at QB in '59 and a huge recruiting class for '60-'62); '69-'70-'71 (Warmath bows out with three losing seasons - the upside: there was no upside.

I think Wacker was worse than Brew. Wacker never went to a bowl or had a winning season...I do not remember the Salem era, I was about 5 years old...

Mason was much worst. He gave us wins against teams we should win and the games that if we win would put us on the national map he lost. The way we lost will always be remembered.
Under Brewster, Salem, Wacker our team was just not that good.
The coach that really is the top for the worst has to be Lou Holtz. He gave us hope and then took off to Notre Dame. My hatred for Notre Dame has no bounds! I love to see them lose.

I would say it's Brewster. All things being equal, Brewster came at a time when we had expectations could have made a step up, so his failure was that much more depressing. Mason got us out of the cellar and got people caring. Brew killed all of that momentum.

There was no momentum.

Obviously, it has been the downward spiral of of the 2nd half of the bjm era.

The bjm era from 2006 through 2010 is by far the most pathetic and the most tragic in the history of the revenue sports programs at the U of M. Even the opening of TCF BANK STADIUM was ushered in with a whimper, rather than a real fanfare.

imthewalrus (alias - wren)

Your obsessions are really pathetic. I have never understood how a loser like you can stand in judgment of others. I guess it is the only thing you know how to do. You were banned here before for posting the same obseessive messages and I am sure it can be done again.

"...Casey did waltz with the strawberry blonde...and the band played on..." That was kind of a nice song, wasn't it killjoy? Remember that one?

See you later mrs. badger joel.

Tim Brewster's era is my favorite era since Murray Warmath was winning Big 10 and National Championships. Brewster got Gopher fans charged up like no time since the 1960's. Gopher fans finally started to believe that we should not have to settle for 6 - 6 records and third rate bowl games. Coach Kill will now be able to build off the new attitude Coach Brewster was able to bring to Gopher football. All Gopher fans owe a large debt of gratitude for how Coach Brewster was able to move the football program forward after the extreme mediocrity and lack of interest of the coach who came before him.

Tim Brewster's era is my favorite era since Murray Warmath was winning Big 10 and National Championships. Brewster got Gopher fans charged up like no time since the 1960's. Gopher fans finally started to believe that we should not have to settle for 6 - 6 records and third rate bowl games. Coach Kill will now be able to build off the new attitude Coach Brewster was able to bring to Gopher football. All Gopher fans owe a large debt of gratitude for how Coach Brewster was able to move the football program forward.

Brewster gave us hope but it was dashed against the rocks pretty quickly, especially last year....I think on balance the program suffered greatly under Brewster. I certainly do not think the program was in as good as shape as when Mason was head coach. Maturi realized midyear 2010 that the program had deteriorated so quickly and deeply something drastic had to be done. It had become embarrassing and fans and supporters were jumping ship at an alarming rate. Thankfully I believe we now have a head coach and assistant coaches that can again lead us to where we were under the best of Warmath and dare to dream Bierman.
Go Gophers!

I saw a post about Glen Mason, and I immediately knew what would follow. When the name Glen Mason is slandered on the internet, it sets off alarms in the Wren household, and it's all hands on deck! I picture it kind of like when the firemen at the fire station get called to the fire truck.

Anyways, try out the ignore feature. It works wonders:

wren said:
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I think the worst era of Gopher football, in my lifetime, was from October 10th, 2003 through November 13th, 2010. Perhaps November 13th through the present have been just a reprise in a continued *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!#storm of mediocre-to-bad football, but I hope not.

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