Worst basketball officiating gaffes


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Nov 21, 2008
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Saw the documentary .03secs from gold about the '72 Olympic team and it got me thinking about the worst officiating moments i've seen. One that I remember was from around 97 or 98 and involved the UCLA womans team in a NCAA tournament game. UCLA was up in that game by a point or two with about a second left. The other team, Alabama I think, tried inbounding the ball and called timeout and then tried to inbound the ball again. The lady inbounded the ball by running the baseline(first mistake as she wasn't allowed to run the baseline), the player who received the pass grabed it, turned and took several dribbles up court and then made the winning shot(second gaffe was the clock never started until after she was dribbling - it should have been a catch and shoot).

I had forgotten that the '72 team refused the silver. Doug Collins and Paul Westphal were on the team with Hank Iba the coach.

Unbeaten Indiana at PSU, I forget the year. It was the team with Calbert Cheany and Damon Bailey. PSU was ahead with seconds remaining in the game and they made a clean steal of the ball. The PSU player was driving for an uncontested layup when he was grabbed from behind by an Indiana player. Inexplicably a foul was called on PSU. The second ref failed to correct the call. Indiana made free throws and went on to win the game. The horrible call was replayed over and over on national TV to the utter embarrassment of the Big Ten.

I used to be a BB referee. My biggest gaffe was when I blew a call. The player's name was Joe Call.

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