Wolitarsky Should, Coach Claeys should...

watertown 1987 guy n

Well-known member
Dec 2, 2008
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The gopher players/coaches could put this program back on track today if someone from the football team stepped forward and said, "the goal of the players through this process has been for fair and open discussion, what has been made public by the aOEE report is mostly been one sided. That said, it is a side of the story we players have not heard entirely. If true, we understand the university's position and most important we stand with the victim in seeing justic served. We wish to play in the bowl game and take the first step in Correcting the issues at our University and the football team." Maybe not perfect but you get the idea. The players and coaches can take the first step in acknowledging and correcting a sad culture that exists among some college football players.


Yes, this is the best way. The Players have made their point, which I understand. BUT, this has grown far beyond the original situation and the whole future of the U of M football
is at stake. We understand fully what the players are concerned about and that point has been made. So, now turn your attention to beating WSU!!

Maybe the dumbest thing I have ever read on GH is that the report is one sided, as it uses comparison between the victim and the 10 investigated players throughout the report IN THEIR OWN WORDS.

The players do not have a point. The players are misguided, lack compassion, a sense of moral outrage, and apparently believe justice for breaking the rules, if not the law, should be a slap on the wrist. What they did, in my mind, is commit a crime against person. I have yet to hear a statement by any player that showed concern for the woman involved. That tells me everything about the character of the football team. They are getting off lightly and complaining about it. I want NONE of them representing the U now or in the future.

I think the best option would be for the U to announce that they will appoint a non-school affiliated special investigator to assist in determining what happened and the punishment - should it be warranted - and the school will unconditionally accept the recommendations. Kaler should state that he believes players are innocent until proven guilty but they will remain suspended until the special investigator reveals their findings. He should state unequivocally that their status AS STUDENTS at the U as students will not be effected in any way before the findings are presented. That should satisfy the team in knowing an impartial hearing will be conducted.

Between delivering that statement and the SI releasing findings, you work your ass off to get a private, sealed settlement with the players involved which includes all of them being off the football team and some of them agreeing to leave the University. The important thing for the players involved is that they are not branded as rapists for the rest of their lives given NO CRIMINAL will every be filed. I think the U is facing lawsuits already in this mess in how they presented the players.

Maybe the dumbest thing I have ever read on GH is that the report is one sided, as it uses comparison between the victim and the 10 investigated players throughout the report IN THEIR OWN WORDS.

The players do not have a point. The players are misguided, lack compassion, a sense of moral outrage, and apparently believe justice for breaking the rules, if not the law, should be a slap on the wrist. What they did, in my mind, is commit a crime against person. I have yet to hear a statement by any player that showed concern for the woman involved. That tells me everything about the character of the football team. They are getting off lightly and complaining about it. I want NONE of them representing the U now or in the future.
I've really had it with your holier than thou attitude. You are unfairly grouping all the players into the same vile group that only the accused should be a part of. I'm proud of the team. They came together, reached a decision and defended their brothers and teammates. Theb after they read at least parts of the report, they have decided to do the right thing and end this boycott. I think they have handled this like mature thoughtful adults. That's a lot more than I can say for you.

Maybe the dumbest thing I have ever read on GH is that the report is one sided, as it uses comparison between the victim and the 10 investigated players throughout the report IN THEIR OWN WORDS.

The players do not have a point. The players are misguided, lack compassion, a sense of moral outrage, and apparently believe justice for breaking the rules, if not the law, should be a slap on the wrist. What they did, in my mind, is commit a crime against person. I have yet to hear a statement by any player that showed concern for the woman involved. That tells me everything about the character of the football team. They are getting off lightly and complaining about it. I want NONE of them representing the U now or in the future.

Good luck with that.

Maybe the dumbest thing I have ever read on GH is that the report is one sided, as it uses comparison between the victim and the 10 investigated players throughout the report IN THEIR OWN WORDS.

The players do not have a point. The players are misguided, lack compassion, a sense of moral outrage, and apparently believe justice for breaking the rules, if not the law, should be a slap on the wrist. What they did, in my mind, is commit a crime against person. I have yet to hear a statement by any player that showed concern for the woman involved. That tells me everything about the character of the football team. They are getting off lightly and complaining about it. I want NONE of them representing the U now or in the future.

This is not maybe, but absolutely the dumbest thing that has ever been written on the GH.

I still find it ironic that many think that this stuff is primarily a male athlete problem...spend some time in the greek system (male and female) or with the band/choir/drama geeks which I have personally seen some bizarre **** and that was back in 1989...I can't imagine it is less prominent now.

The world is shifting, sex is everywhere and it is more and more vile (read porn) and young people who don't yet understand the value of partnership and commitment feel the pressure to live up to some perceived sexual bravado that really isn't that much fun or fulfilling.

Since one of the players reported hearing the girl say no...he basically admitted his teammates were raping a girl. They should feel they dodged a bullet as the two MALE cops that investigated this made very little effort to figure out what happened that night. No one on this board complains that the police investigators were male but many have criticized the EOCC which is mostly women. Somehow women are biased but men are not. The players admitted having sex with her. They revealed their attitudes towards women in their offensive texts. Their admitted actions of standing in line taking turns raping a drunk woman (well at least in the words of the player who admitted hearing her say "no") is not defensible. Wolitarsky and his group of seniors are foolish and have managed to make this national news....humiliating the university and making it a laughingstock. These guys belong in prison...expulsion is getting off light. The fact they aren't headed to prison is frustrating to me. Personally because of the actions of the team's leaders, I have turned from a huge fan into someone hoping the program is axed.

So change the wording, the concept makes sense. The concept "is" that all the players didn't have this info when they made the decision to boycot the bowl. We are in the position today with more info than they had to judge. They should stand up and basically say our initial position was flawed for lack of information, in that position we chose to stand by our friends. Given the new information, from the report, we the players and coaches support a just outcome for the victim and support our University.

It does appear all players involved did not feel they were heard. As far as I know, the other 5 were not involved in the initial Hennipen county investigation, so they may feel they were not heard, it's one sided. Rip that if you want but people that say they haven't been heard get to make that determination, no one else's opinion matter on that simple issue.

Since one of the players reported hearing the girl say no...he basically admitted his teammates were raping a girl. They should feel they dodged a bullet as the two MALE cops that investigated this made very little effort to figure out what happened that night. No one on this board complains that the police investigators were male but many have criticized the EOCC which is mostly women. Somehow women are biased but men are not. The players admitted having sex with her. They revealed their attitudes towards women in their offensive texts. Their admitted actions of standing in line taking turns raping a drunk woman (well at least in the words of the player who admitted hearing her say "no") is not defensible. Wolitarsky and his group of seniors are foolish and have managed to make this national news....humiliating the university and making it a laughingstock. These guys belong in prison...expulsion is getting off light. The fact they aren't headed to prison is frustrating to me. Personally because of the actions of the team's leaders, I have turned from a huge fan into someone hoping the program is axed.

You keep saying this but without a transcript or interview available we have no idea what was said or what that was referring to.

Absolutely scary attitudes on display here.

So change the wording, the concept makes sense. The concept "is" that all the players didn't have this info when they made the decision to boycot the bowl. We are in the position today with more info than they had to judge. They should stand up and basically say our initial position was flawed for lack of information, in that position we chose to stand by our friends. Given the new information, from the report, we the players and coaches support a just outcome for the victim and support our University.

It does appear all players involved did not feel they were heard. As far as I know, the other 5 were not involved in the initial Hennipen county investigation, so they may feel they were not heard, it's one sided. Rip that if you want but people that say they haven't been heard get to make that determination, no one else's opinion matter on that simple issue.

Maybe they know this girl much better than you do.

Since one of the players reported hearing the girl say no...he basically admitted his teammates were raping a girl. They should feel they dodged a bullet as the two MALE cops that investigated this made very little effort to figure out what happened that night. No one on this board complains that the police investigators were male but many have criticized the EOCC which is mostly women. Somehow women are biased but men are not. The players admitted having sex with her. They revealed their attitudes towards women in their offensive texts. Their admitted actions of standing in line taking turns raping a drunk woman (well at least in the words of the player who admitted hearing her say "no") is not defensible. Wolitarsky and his group of seniors are foolish and have managed to make this national news....humiliating the university and making it a laughingstock. These guys belong in prison...expulsion is getting off light. The fact they aren't headed to prison is frustrating to me. Personally because of the actions of the team's leaders, I have turned from a huge fan into someone hoping the program is axed.

I agree with your thoughts about the incident and I am still concerned that it may take a while to turn the culture around, but I am curious what Wolitarsky, who seems to have become the team spokesman, could have said better?
I give them credit for the mentions about sexual assault and the victims (sorry I don't have the release in front of me).

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