

Oct 17, 2009
Reaction score
I think Williams scored three points the whole weekend and barely played, even with Westbrook and Nolen suspended for a half. It's funny what happens when you start playing teams with real athletes. Williams looked timid and a little lost out there against Portland. I think he has potential to be a great player someday, but just not today.

Way to start a negative post about one of our players. Don't really know what else to expect from you though I guess.

Way to start a negative post about one of our players. Don't really know what else to expect from you though I guess.

Tell me how this is negative: "I think he has potential to be a great player someday, but just not today."

The parts in bold are negative: "think Williams scored three points the whole weekend and barely played, even with Westbrook and Nolen suspended for a half. It's funny what happens when you start playing teams with real athletes. Williams looked timid and a little lost out there against Portland. I think he has potential to be a great player someday, but just not today"

The parts in bold are negative: "think Williams scored three points the whole weekend and barely played, even with Westbrook and Nolen suspended for a half. It's funny what happens when you start playing teams with real athletes. Williams looked timid and a little lost out there against Portland. I think he has potential to be a great player someday, but just not today"

Well, sorry my post doesn't pass your standards. I guess it's all "Rah Rah Gophers" or nothing. This is a public forum! What am i supposed to say?

Don't worry BGF, I've run into people on here too that won't allow you to say anything "negative" about their beloved Gophers. shake it off. look at the kid's name: GophersOnTheRise, what would you expect?

Tell me how this is negative: "I think he has potential to be a great player someday, but just not today."

No need to defend yourself BGF - I concur with your observations about Rodney's play during the tournament and don't believe your post is negative. On another thread, I observed that RW seemed to be like a "deer in the headlights" rather than the aggressive, gimme the ball player to which we had grown accustomed in the early season games - don't know what's wrong but he didn't seem to be playing with any degree of confidence.

Rodney really benefited from all of the turnovers and open court play against inferior competition. He has not shown a refined offensive game at this point, so it isn't entirely surprising to me that he took a "step back" over the weekend. I'm still hopeful that he can become a factor by the time the Big Ten season rolls around because his defense and athleticism could be a real difference maker.

Don't worry BGF, I've run into people on here too that won't allow you to say anything "negative" about their beloved Gophers. shake it off. look at the kid's name: GophersOnTheRise, what would you expect?

Agreed! He has a right to his opinion. But, I have to admit, the one thing that bugs me on these boards is someone who says: "you can't say that". This guy is constantly confrontational.

Perhaps the team needs to make a consious effort to get Rodney involved. Success seems to fuel him.

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