Williams, Jr


Sep 1, 2011
Reaction score
Great pickups with Edwards and Jones but frankly I couldn't be more jacked about Williams. With a hopefully healthy and experienced OL next year I love the thought of Williams running the ball downhill 20 times a game. If Nelson can play like a credible even middle of the road B10 QB and if we can jump up from pathetic to decent WR play we should have a very nice O next year!!

Great pickups with Edwards and Jones but frankly I couldn't be more jacked about Williams. With a hopefully healthy and experienced OL next year I love the thought of Williams running the ball downhill 20 times a game. If Nelson can play like a credible even middle of the road B10 QB and if we can jump up from pathetic to decent WR play we should have a very nice O next year!!

I don't think Kirkwood is any slouch either.

It is all up to the offensive line and defense next year. If they run the ball it will help make Nelson and other's job easier. Run the ball and it will make the defense better as well.

It'll be nice to have some change of pace guys (Thunder and Lightning).

No, but he is not capable of running more than about 20 yards before three dbacks catch him, Williams is much faster in the open field.

Williams longest run was 17 yds. Kirkwood, 38.

They are both bowling ball type runners, although I think Williams is more consistent in hitting the hole at top speed. However, they both need to work on improving that. It's hard to say what we're getting with Edwards, but his speed seems much more of a factor. If Maye can improve his play, we have four pretty good backs of varying styles

This should be our best group of backs since Mason was here. I think production will continue to go up, remember both of these guys were underclassmen, as were many of the guys doing the blocking. I think they combine for 1500+ yrds and 12+ tds this year.

I kind of hope Edwards red shirts, but I don't think he will.

I really liked Williams in the bowl game and am feeling a lot better about the running game with the recruits coming in...

Williams longest run was 17 yds. Kirkwood, 38.
I think the number of opportunities has something to do with that, I'll stick by my opinion on the relative speed of the two players.

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