Will the Penn State story be a major movie, or an HBO special?

Nov 20, 2008
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John Taurantino as JoePa? Who would be the ultimate villain to play Sandusky? Phillip Seymour Hoftman to play the AD. I'm sure first will be the book and then the adaptation of the book into a movie. In regards to the Penn State penalties. Remember the closing scene in The Sting when Henry Gondorff ( Neuman) asks Hooker ( Redford ) : " Well kid, how do you feel? Hooker: " It's not enough, but it is damn close". That is pretty much the way I feel. And it is not over.

Based on what I have heard went on there, it seems to be more of a late-night Cinemax type feature.

Not sure about the movie, but I'm sure Iamthewalrus will write a book somewhere.:)

If it is a major movie, I bet Oliver Stone directs it. To bad the ultimate bad guy Jack Elam ( Once Upon a Time In West" isn't still alive. The perfect Sandusky.

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