Wichita Eagle: "Jerry Kill has hit the big time. This is his moment."

This isn't Northern Illinois and Kill knows it.

But he won't change. And his wife, mother and brother won't change, either.

"I thought when Jerry quit playing that I could finally just sit back and watch a football game,'' Sonja Kill said. "But with him coaching, I'm as wore out as he is after a game.''

Kill's wife and family, of course, will have the use of a suite for all of Minnesota's home games. A heated, luxurious, well-stocked suite. A warm refuge from the Minnesota fall.

But these are country people. Tough and set in their ways. It might be the Big Ten, but football isn't a sport to be watched from behind glass.

"Fortunately,'' Sonja Kill said, "there are 18 seats outside of the suite and that's where Rebecca and I will be. We've never sat inside during a football game, no matter what the weather is.''

Read more: http://www.kansas.com/2011/02/27/1738268/kill-stays-true-to-his-kansas.html#ixzz1FAWDNYbC

That tells it all. I really hope Kill gets it done.

Below is a quote from Coach Kill's brother.
I wounder If Frank Kill read some of the wise cracks on this forum regarding his Brothers past Cancer and appearance. A low point for This Forum.

(Frank Kill made a mistake in the days after his brother was named Minnesota's football coach. He looked at some message boards, where fans go to anonymously express their opinions on a variety of topics. The hot topic of November and December was the football coaching vacancy, and once Kill was hired, there were a variety of opinions.
"A lot of people there wanted them to hire a big-name guy,'' Frank Kill said. "So it was pretty horrible to read some of the things people were saying)

Below is a quote from Coach Kill's brother.
I wounder If Frank Kill read some of the wise cracks on this forum regarding his Brothers past Cancer and appearance. A low point for This Forum.

(Frank Kill made a mistake in the days after his brother was named Minnesota's football coach. He looked at some message boards, where fans go to anonymously express their opinions on a variety of topics. The hot topic of November and December was the football coaching vacancy, and once Kill was hired, there were a variety of opinions.
"A lot of people there wanted them to hire a big-name guy,'' Frank Kill said. "So it was pretty horrible to read some of the things people were saying)

I can see how he would be discouraged at the "WTF is this guy" posts when Kill was first hired. But I didn't see a single post here that made light of or wise cracks at Kills remissed cancer.

But I didn't see a single post here that made light of or wise cracks at Kills remissed cancer.

Witness these in all their horrible and inappropriate glory:

I think someone's ahead of you. The art already leaked.


I wonder what would end up being lower: attendance or Kill's white blood cell count?

Oh geeze. Obviously the implication there is if his cancer, which is in remission, returns it could potentially be terminal. That's not exactly a riddle of a word. Terminal. Terminus. End. Fatal.

I was being sarcastic about it because people are being so dismissive of a valid concern.

You have to look at it from a dispassionate, actuarial perspective. Someone who has had cancer, even if it is in remission, statistically has a much shorter lifespan than someone who has not developed cancer. This is further a man who collapsed on the sidelines this past year and had to be hospitalized. These are non-trivial issues. That doesn't immediately disqualify him, but it's something you have to factor in when making a long term commitment to a coach. That in concert with the fact that he's about a C to B list candidate puts him far behind the names that have actually been floated by legitimate sources.

My background is in Psychology not Oncology sorry :\

Though I did learn today that cancer is not terminal and once it is in remission it stays there.

There's a difference between being sick and having a terminal illness.

See you guys at the Jerry Kill memorial Spring game in 2013.

When you find yourself debating if a coach will outlive Mangino it may be best to look elsewhere for a long term solution.

Jerry can barely fight off his own cells let alone the Big Ten's elite.

The guy should've been banned for any one of these posts, and yet is still posting after making 9 of them. Awesome. Making fun of cancer survivors is hilarious.

Wow, so apparently Khaliq is a doushe (apparently you can't spell the real word)

Witness these in all their horrible and inappropriate glory:

The guy should've been banned for any one of these posts, and yet is still posting after making 9 of them. Awesome. Making fun of cancer survivors is hilarious.

Holy s&^t. I stand corrected. I never felt this way about another human being before.. but that punk needs to go choke to death on his own vomit.

Witness these in all their horrible and inappropriate glory:

The guy should've been banned for any one of these posts, and yet is still posting after making 9 of them. Awesome. Making fun of cancer survivors is hilarious.

Are you in research? You should be. I thought of the exact same posts but I was too lazy to look all of them up and quote all of them. Good work.

Cue Khaliq coming here and using his latest vocab word of the day to make fun of either you or Jerry Kill.

Good read. Kill's mom doesn't look old enough to be his mom.

Unfortunately I won't be her first choice. :)

Maybe you can be her backup plan during the football season? It would be pretty sweet to have the option of sitting up in one of the suites when the weather gets cold.

In the small town where I grew up, there were a lot of people who watched football games behind glass. To be more specific, they watched the games from their cars. They would drive up, park their car where they could see the field, and not get out of the car because it was just too cold in October. So, I'm not too convinced that country people are tougher than anyone else.

Are you in research? You should be. I thought of the exact same posts but I was too lazy to look all of them up and quote all of them. Good work.

Cue Khaliq coming here and using his latest vocab word of the day to make fun of either you or Jerry Kill.

He'll come here and call us racist for bringing up his comments about Jerry Kill.

Y'all are a little sensitive.

I barely post here these days anyways. Surely I cannot do that much harm to your collective psyches with a couple posts a month.

Wow, so apparently Khaliq is a doushe (apparently you can't spell the real word)

Huge d-bag. Loves the race card. The kind of guy who would scold someone for using the word g@y, then turn around and make fun of a human being battling cancer......... oh wait.......

Stupid Question, Is Khaliq a certain ex-Gopher QB named Asad-Abdul. I always wondered if it was him posting here but was never sure. If it is that's too bad because I liked him as a player but he is an a$$hole.

Y'all are a little sensitive.

I barely post here these days anyways. Surely I cannot do that much harm to your collective psyches with a couple posts a month.

And no one misses you.

Go way, nucka

In the small town where I grew up, there were a lot of people who watched football games behind glass. To be more specific, they watched the games from their cars. They would drive up, park their car where they could see the field, and not get out of the car because it was just too cold in October. So, I'm not too convinced that country people are tougher than anyone else.

People did that in my small town too, but they did it so they could drink during the games.

In the small town where I grew up, there were a lot of people who watched football games behind glass. To be more specific, they watched the games from their cars. They would drive up, park their car where they could see the field, and not get out of the car because it was just too cold in October. So, I'm not too convinced that country people are tougher than anyone else.

I've seen people do that at baseball games, when it was not cold.

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