Why the hell do fans on this board post reusse crap?

Some Day...Is Coming!

Some Day...Maybe?
Sep 13, 2011
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And even more so, why the hell do so many fans click on the links? Useless.

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We need a whipping boy to get us all riled up once in awhile when the chips are down.

Fat Pat puts the links in just so he can get the hits. I never open them and I sure as hell don't read his dribble.

It is like there are some people that are surprised each time Reusse writes a negative piece full of cheap shots and sarcasm. They can't seem to grasp the bit and understand that Reusse is doing exactly what he is paid to do. He isn't paid to write in depth puff pieces about the teams, he is paid to be sarcastic and to go after the local sports scene. He is paid to get people riled up and based on the reactions he gets in here after every piece he is very good at his job.

yet someone started a thread complaining about people starting threads about pat, and you opened the link, and posted in said thread. wait!what?

They are usually heavily viewed threads so apparently there is still an appetite on here for all things Reusse.

Why the hell do people on this site get so riled up about Reusse? I swear that a large number of people here would love it if the only thing written about the Gophers was sunshine, lollipops and rainbows shooting out of Sid Hartman's butt. I love the Gophers as much as anyone, but the fact is this program has largely been a dumpster fire for 50 years. God forbid someone call attention to that.

And even more so, why the hell do so many fans click on the links? Useless.

Sports fans love to discuss, debate, and argue about sports. No sportswriter in Minnesota sports history has ever instigated more discussions, debates, and arguments about sports than Reusse.

If we had a different sportswriter, all the Reuse posts would be about him!

We haven't won the B1G since 1967! Do you expect writers to say the athletic department is amazing? Sid does because he remembers the Glory Days. Prohibition too!

Why not just make a new thread like is done for recruits, "All Things Patrick Reusse" that all his stuff can be posted/discussed in so if you don't want to talk about it you can ignore it.

I used to post Reusse articles for their info and his views.

Now I do it to piss off the people that complain about him.....it's fun.:party::cheer::party:

Why the hell do people on this site get so riled up about Reusse? I swear that a large number of people here would love it if the only thing written about the Gophers was sunshine, lollipops and rainbows shooting out of Sid Hartman's butt. I love the Gophers as much as anyone, but the fact is this program has largely been a dumpster fire for 50 years. God forbid someone call attention to that.

I agree with you completely. Some of you board members here need to relax and chill out. MR Reusse has a unique sense of humor and he says things tongue in cheek. I am glad we have him here in Minnesota to critique all our professional sports teams and the U of M. We need him to be the opposite of old Sid H who just pumps all these teams up all the time. With Sid H, none of these teams in Minnesota would be accountable for anything. I do not agree with MR Reusse on many of the things he writes about, in fact, some times it seems very absurd but I do think we have freedom of expression in this country, right! If you do not like his writing, ignore it. I ignore Sid H all the time now. His radio show on WCCO Sunday mornings is a joke, he can not speak well anymore, he can not hear anymore, his co hosts have to repeat everything that is said for him to understand. This does not make Sid H a bad person but he too old to be on this show anymore and we all will face that point in lives where we can not properly function in our jobs. Up until 5-7 years ago, I listened to Sid H every Sunday morning, but not now, he should have been relieved of his duties but the powers that be, give him carte blache.

I've said it on this forum many times, I'll say it again. If you listen to The Ride with Reusse (I listen when Barreiro is on commercial), you will hear Fat Pat say that agitation has been the key to his career. He doesn't hide it, he admits it freely and essentially laughs at everyone for getting mad at him because that is exactly what he sets out to do.

I used to post Reusse articles for their info and his views.

Now I do it to piss off the people that complain about him.....it's fun.:party::cheer::party:

Ditto. You have discovered why Truth hates us. :drink::drink::drink:

Why not just make a new thread like is done for recruits, "All Things Patrick Reusse" that all his stuff can be posted/discussed in so if you don't want to talk about it you can ignore it.

Why, was it difficult to from the title of this thread to figure out that it was about Reusse so you couldn't ignore it?

Why, was it difficult to from the title of this thread to figure out that it was about Reusse so you couldn't ignore it?
That comment was somewhat in jest. I like the Reusse threads because people get so mad about it.

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