Why is there no cross screening between Ralph and Mbakwe?

Rodney's Open

Jun 5, 2011
Reaction score
Seriously, I do not understand. You have one of the best pair of big men in the country. Why not mix in a cross screen on the low block to get an open look? Or do it on the high post so they have space to cut off the screen? I just do not understand. I think Elliot screen for Mbakwe once last night.

"one of the best pair of big men in the country" is where you lost me. I'm sorry but Ralf is too soft for that statement.

"one of the best pair of big men in the country" is where you lost me. I'm sorry but Ralf is too soft for that statement.

You have that one right. 2 FT's and one O board in three games = soft.

Where has the high/low been? Have I not been paying attention?

Losing rebounding position on opposite sides of the goal. Neither is fast enough to recover. Unless Rodney can hold his own as he did last night.

"one of the best pair of big men in the country" is where you lost me. I'm sorry but Ralf is too soft for that statement.

Mbakwe is one of the best big men in the country and Sampson is a scoring threat with length. It isn't out of the question. I may have went too far. Potentially they could be a top 5 duo, realistically they are probably top 20.

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