Why is Coach Roof getting a free pass here??

Art Vandelay

Nov 21, 2008
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Numerous posts about getting rid of Dunbar but lost in all of that is the huge regression of the defense on Roof's watch. Any "progress" that was made against the high school teams, Indiana, and Purdue was lost (and them some) the last 5 games. Why is Dunbar getting all of hte heat?

It appears Brewster will go through coordinators like I go through socks. In order to be a relevant college football team, you need to have a little more stability. How can you recruit when you've got a track record of throwing your coordinators under the bus every year??

Bryce McNeal probably saw the writing on the wall with Dunbar and decided he didn't want to deal with the revolving door...

"Bryce McNeal probably saw the writing on the wall with Dunbar and decided he didn't want to deal with the revolving door..."

Good one Art. He didn't like the "revolving door" you proclaim here, but he wants to go to a school that fired its coach mid-way through this past season?

Go Gophers!!

Not sure, but they do have a history of firing their coach in the middle of the season. Some may see that as coaching instability.

Go Gophers!!

So...firing one coach in 2 years is a big deal? Withers left for greener pastures, he wasn't fired. Dunbar has not been fired yet either.

Wait, so you are saying Roof should be getting some heat, but then you say we shouldn't be firing our coordinators. What way do you want it?

Art Vandelay........worst............poster............ever.

Easy. Roof took a putrid defense and made it passable if not dominant. When you have the challenges he has in talent, you can't leave the D on the field game after game after game and expect them to hold steady. The D wore down during the year.

I am a huge detractor of the Everett Withers hire, because he did NOTHING with the defense. Roof had guys moved into the right positions (Sherels and Campbell turned out o.k.) had the team lining up correctly more often than not, and called some terrific games.

The other thing is that this was year one for Roof, year two for Dunbar. Dunbar's offense has gone backwards in two years. Roof has set the bar higher than his predecessor, but still low. Next year needs to be another step forward for Roof, or the heat gets turned up higher on everyone.

give Art a break....

he lives a miserable existence and cannot got over the Mason era! Just let him wallow in denial and hatred for Brewster!! It will make him feel better about himself!!

Stability in a system is huge for this defense. Ted Roof has experience and the track record to prove he knows what he is doing defensively. Roof has my 100% support, great coach, glad we have him.

Stability in a system is huge for this defense. Ted Roof has experience and the track record to prove he knows what he is doing defensively. Roof has my 100% support, great coach, glad we have him.

I am glad to have Coach Roof on board as well.

The Defense in the Last 5 Games a direct reflection of the Offense's...

...inability to keep and move the ball. Think back on the previous 8 games. The offense moved the ball and the defense was fresh and able to force turnovers. Our OLs played better. It wasn't Dunbar, it was the O-line.

It's a two side of the ball game. Defenses always play better if they are fresh, whether through offensive consistency or defensive depth. With our new OLs coming in and the abundance of LBs and DBs, we will be markedly better on both sides of the ball.

I don't care what others say about Art

He's always near the top of my don't bother to read list.

he lives a miserable existence and cannot got over the Mason era! Just let him wallow in denial and hatred for Brewster!! It will make him feel better about himself!!

It's not Roof's fault his safety got burned twice in the first half for TDs. It's not Roof's fault Sherels didn't bother showing up.

why should anyone get blamed?

We won 7 games, they all count and we have the same basic schedule everyone else has. Last year was a transition year and we made huge improvments in some areas and still have things to improve before we get in a position to play at the next level. If you want instant success, be a Yankees fan.

Give this program a break and lets support, not breakdown.

This is one of the most rediculous posts I have ever read. Roof's defense was on the field WAY too long due to Dunbar's inept offense. The defense simply got tired towards the end of the year, which is ok if you're USC, as they can just plug in another line of stud defenders, but the Gophers don't have that ability. Roof has shown more in his one year here than Dunbar has since he left Northwestern.


Numerous posts about getting rid of Dunbar but lost in all of that is the huge regression of the defense on Roof's watch. Any "progress" that was made against the high school teams, Indiana, and Purdue was lost (and them some) the last 5 games. Why is Dunbar getting all of hte heat?

It appears Brewster will go through coordinators like I go through socks. In order to be a relevant college football team, you need to have a little more stability. How can you recruit when you've got a track record of throwing your coordinators under the bus every year??

Bryce McNeal probably saw the writing on the wall with Dunbar and decided he didn't want to deal with the revolving door...

Are you saying the last DC did a good job, placing 119 out of 119 colleges that play D1? Are you saying the defense isn't miles better than last year? Roof has proven himself a quality DC in the past, and continued it this year. His offense would have been a lot better if the Offense had scored some points and kept his guys off the field a little more.

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