Who is tougher to beat next year: Iowa or Wisconsin


Pretty Sure You are Wrong
Jun 4, 2009
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Wisconsin has a system that can not only pass the test of time, but also the test of being run by a blowhard jerk for 6 years. Reports of Wisconsin's demise have proven to be greatly exaggerated more than once. Meanwhile, a year ago there were plenty of calls for Captain Kirk's head and Iowa looked to be a team that was finally going to find bottom and stay there. They too, are proving difficult for Jerry's team to hurdle as it claws its way upward. With that in mind, which team will prove to be a more difficult foe next year: Iowa at home, or Wisconsin on the road??

And, as long as I have the floor... Let it be known that North Dakota finally has a natural attraction worthy of their fancy Bison division 2AAA/U23 football program:


Iowa loses their 3 outstanding LB's who gave the Gophers fits. As I said in a previous post, Wisconsin loses 21-22
seniors with several of them being key players ; especially Borland .Actually, I like our chances against both. Chances probably better against Iowa because Wisconsin only loses one OL and they still have the TE Patterson back along with Gordon and Stave.

Iowa loses their 3 outstanding LB's who gave the Gophers fits. As I said in a previous post, Wisconsin loses 21-22
seniors with several of them being key players ; especially Borland .Actually, I like our chances against both. Chances probably better against Iowa because Wisconsin only loses one OL and they still have the TE Patterson back along with Gordon and Stave.

Nope, the TE is gone too.

The last 50 years have proven that most of the teams in the B1G have backups waiting to step up that are better than the starters we have. How else can you explain those years.

I would be surprised if next year is a lot different. There are no promises that the Goph's younger guys progress as everyone thinks they should. That isn't always the case. 8-4 is shooting for the stars for the U of M take it and be content.

Beating Iowa at home will be a lot more likely than winning in Madison. Both teams lose players, but Wisconsin is still going to be very good next year. So I think winning at home against Iowa is a better bet.

The last 50 years have proven that most of the teams in the B1G have backups waiting to step up that are better than the starters we have. How else can you explain those years.

I would be surprised if next year is a lot different. There are no promises that the Goph's younger guys progress as everyone thinks they should. That isn't always the case. 8-4 is shooting for the stars for the U of M take it and be content.

Thanks for the advice.

B1G Fan can only hope the Gopher program is an aberration of this staff's previous stops. Players develop, recruiting improves, internal competition raises performance levels, and a consistent system taught by a cohesive staff leads to more competitive teams. Several posts this season have mentioned adding a "difference maker." Sometimes those players come from within -- a player just decides to go all in and transforms from a good player to great -- and sometimes you just land a really special recruit. I expect both of those things to happen here. Gophers make a B1G leap next year...

Thanks for the advice.

Yeah, it was real good stuff. Should we all just go place bets in Vegas based on this information??

I think the answer is Iowa, personally. We've beaten them more recently with equal to better talent (on O and D), have them at home, and they've been a notch lower than Wisconsin has been over the last 5 years. Wisconsin does lose a lot of talent, but watching the Iowa v Wisc game without Borland proved that his backup was more than capable. I have no reason to believe whatever OL and RBs are backing up their starters will be just as potent. And we're in Madison for that game. Plus, it's not like we don't lose a lot of talent (Hill, Hageman, Vereen, etc..) to equal their experience loss.

I think Wisconsin is a tougher game. They will both have more talent than MN, but I do think Kill and staff is the equalizer in a lot of respects

I think Wisconsin is a tougher game. They will both have more talent than MN, but I do think Kill and staff is the equalizer in a lot of respects

I think the talent levels are getting closer and closer.

I'm not blindly assuming that we have young guys who are suddenly going to develop, we just aren't that much worse than these teams now and we don't lose much. Hageman will be tough to replace, but we're bringing back a lot.

But I agree with you, they will both be tough and I think WI will be tougher.

Good question. Wisconsin will have a good nucleus and probably the best RB in the country (if Gordon returns). Iowa always hits. Both teams are well coached. Should be fun games.

I think the talent levels are getting closer and closer.

I'm not blindly assuming that we have young guys who are suddenly going to develop, we just aren't that much worse than these teams now and we don't lose much. Hageman will be tough to replace, but we're bringing back a lot.

But I agree with you, they will both be tough and I think WI will be tougher.

I just think the gophs lack some playmakers which is the main difference. ..

Of the three, Minnesota is gonna be the toughest to beat.


Nope, the TE is gone too.

and Melvin Gordon should declare pro leaving the talented sophmore to be Corey Clement as their featured back, hopefully he is their only good back on that roster leaving them without that 1-2 or 1-2-3 punch they have always had

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