Who is NOT going to Vegas yet?? Free trip!!

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Aug 11, 2011
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Hi GH'ers!

I only post occasionally on GH, (although I've been reading it every day for many years), so I should introduce myself -- I'm Ryan (@RPMaus) and I work in marketing/communications in U athletics (I'm also one of the main voices behind the official Gophers social media accounts).

From following the chatter I know a bunch of you are already going to Vegas for the opener, but if you're not I wanted to post about a way that you can go for free! We're hosting a "Countdown to Vegas" video contest on our Facebook page and GopherSports.com during the month of July, where Gopher fans (like yourselves!) can submit a short 30-second video clip to win a free trip (airfare, hotel, tickets) to Vegas and other cool Gopher stuff.

We think it's a pretty solid prize! And, even you're one of those people that says "I never win these sorts of things," we're going to give everyone who enters two free tickets to a game this fall, which is always nice.

PLUS, since you guys are the dedicated of the dedicated when it comes to Gopher fans (and no one would ever say otherwise), I'm willing to send every GHer who enters and posts about it in this thread a free Gopher shirt from our stockpile, of whatever size you choose.

Submissions can be (relatively) complicated like this one: http://youtu.be/PVTCVM-8--g

OR super easy and low-tech like this one:

Just wanted to start a thread here on the contest! Feel free to post any questions you might have and I'll answer them; here's the contest page again: https://www.facebook.com/GopherAthletics/app_95936962634.


I'm out of my league already. Nice job on the first videos!

LOVE it! Send me a Private Message and I'll mail you out a shirt!

Keep 'em coming!

LOVE it! Send me a Private Message and I'll mail you out a shirt!

Keep 'em coming!
By "Keep 'em coming!", does that mean I can submit more than one video? It was fun making this, and I have more ideas.

Already got my tickets and set to go but wanted to post here and say these videos are pretty good. Who is the voting body? Might be worth a gopher hole poll. I can't wait to break out my new maroon and good Zubas for this game.

I've been trying to come up with a good enough idea for a couple weeks now. I'm sure there are others like me. But like Nokomis said, the fewer entrants the better everyone's chances...

I've been trying to come up with a good enough idea for a couple weeks now. I'm sure there are others like me. But like Nokomis said, the fewer entrants the better everyone's chances...
Honestly, I considered not posting my video as to not bump this thread -- hoping people would forget about it. :)
But it's a cool contest idea, and I had fun making the video. I could post a "behind the scenes" video of us trying to get all the bobbleheads to stand up on the escalator. That thing moved fast!
A trip to Vegas is an awesome prize! Thanks to Gopher promotions for putting it together. Fun idea!

Hey, any idea will do! Make it happen, and send it in -- we'd love to see them! At the very least you get a couple extra tickets (and a shirt!) out of the deal!

Thanks for submitting! I know of a few other submissions that are on the way, but yours is pretty great... Well done!

When will they update the page so we can see the new entries? This is a great idea!

The site is updated every day or so! We could use some more entries, people still have a couple weeks to submit. It can be complicated or simple, doesn't matter -- it's just for fun!

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