Who Hates?


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Come on peeps, this is Pig Week and time to kick some Hawkeye BUTT!!!!!!!! I'm over the Penn State loss, and the Gophers are not in the outhouse, the Gophers actually improved their level of play this last Saturday even with the loss. We saw the Gophers get better Saturday when the level of competition improved, we can be pissed about the loss but realize it was more about us then it was Penn State being better. IT is more than time to move on from Penn State, and turn the page.

This week is another step up competition wise, and the Gophers are playing our number 1, Numero UNO, rival in all things football the Stinkin rotten black and Gold. Anything bad for the Hawks is good for the Gophers. It's pig week, and Floyd has been poked with many weird objects and sticks and suffering major abuse in Iowa City. It is time to rescue him, Floyd back to Minnesota. Who Hates Iowa? It's time to move on and not let last week carry over to this week. We have a PIG TO WIN!

Kool Aide Kicker Julius the flopper deserved that hit from Watters, even if the coaches can't say it.
Go Gophers and SKI-U-Mah!

My boys have known and loved that chant since they could speak.

A really horrible "The Wolf of Wall Street" poster, but I'm about to get on a flight.

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/GFotC7K.jpg" width="25%" height="25%">


ayyyyy bout time we got this chant started can i get an amen


A really horrible "The Wolf of Wall Street" poster, but I'm about to get on a flight.

<img src="http://i.imgur.com/GFotC7K.jpg" width="25%" height="25%">

One last thing, coach is it to much to ask to wear a Maroon jacket on Saturday. If he can wear a maroon sweatshirt he can wear a Maroon jacket on the sidelines. Starting to bug me the White jacket is, our school colors are Maroon and Gold. A little nitpicky I know but I want to start seeing more of the coaches wearing maroon instead of the white jackets.

One last thing, coach is it to much to ask to wear a Maroon jacket on Saturday. If he can wear a maroon sweatshirt he can wear a Maroon jacket on the sidelines. Starting to bug me the White jacket is, our school colors are Maroon and Gold. A little nitpicky I know but I want to start seeing more of the coaches wearing maroon instead of the white jackets.

used the wrong adjective here man idgaf coach could wear a wife beater and jorts on the sideline if hes winning games

Is the coach in that picture?? Must have looked past him..

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Beg to differ. Wisconsin is our number one rivalry And if we lose to them for the 13th time in a row it may not be called a rivalry anymore.

I'm talking football Ruppertyflywheel, and how important the PIG is.

Beg to differ. Wisconsin is our number one rivalry And if we lose to them for the 13th time in a row it may not be called a rivalry anymore.

Floyd is an important symbol for Minnesota to have and a good luck charm to boot.
Iowa is our number 1 rivalry for football and has been for at least a decade. They compete with us for the same recruits all of the time, and a trophy we have more than caught a glimpse of or a picture the last decade. Those dinks do things like make bathrooms out to be hotel rooms, and behave like drunken a$$hats every time they visit downtown.

All sports I would say yes we hate the Badgers equally in all sports but for football it is Iowa because of the recruiting aspect. The Wisconsin rivalry has turned into the same level rivalry in football as it has against Michigan, they recruit on a national level and we do not. I'm not saying Wisconsin's not a rival but it is hard to think of that as the TOP rivalry when you win against them 3 times in 24 years. Better dead than Red is the correct slogan but it has become kind of useless the last decade.

some of y'all looking at this wrong wisconsin is obviously our top rival. the easy test is 'which team if you beat would mean the most *generally* in a given year' and that is obviously UW.

i enjoy beatin iowa, but in an ideal world we beat them regularly - i LOATHE wisconsin and want to curb stomp that stupid badger costume every time i see it

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