Where is our AD?


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2015
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Athletic Director is a big job. I gave Coyle a long "dude just got there" grace period as I don't think walking in as AD and changing coaches and etc is a good idea. But has anyone heard anything from that guy?

For those who made the trip: Was Coyle at the game? Did he say anything at the pep rally like event? (presumably they had one)

He didn't really get out in front of the player discipline thing. He also hasn't followed up on it.... and I'm searching around but I can't find much of a statement from him on anything. Hell football aside, not even a "good job basketball team" kinda statement.

Maybe I'm looking in the wrong places but is Coyle gonna say or do something anytime soon, like about or regarding anything?

Has anyone heard anything?

We're paying $850k a year + incentives for what?


I move for termination. He allowed this **** storm to happen. We are lacking leadership from the top.

He has been a huge disappointment. Seemed like a good hire at the time.

Coyle is in an incredibly difficult position.

Kaler opened up his mouth and invited lawsuits. Claeys opened up his mouth and has gotten a giant backlash. I understand why Coyle is working behind the scenes. In reality, this case isn't really about sports, so I get why Coyle takes a back seat with all of it.

Kaler - - He has been a disaster.

Coyle is in an incredibly difficult position.

Kaler opened up his mouth and invited lawsuits. Claeys opened up his mouth and has gotten a giant backlash. I understand why Coyle is working behind the scenes. In reality, this case isn't really about sports, so I get why Coyle takes a back seat with all of it.

Kaler - - He has been a disaster.

Tough spot or not I don't think it means he seemingly has to disappear.... a "congrats on the win" or even "yay basketball team" doesn't cost anything.

The last thing I heard was him complaining about having a "double/double hotel room for his family of five" on the pregame on the radio yesterday. This guy is a clown that does not appear to be up for the job! Get rid of him and Kaler now!!

Tough spot or not I don't think it means he seemingly has to disappear.... a "congrats on the win" or even "yay basketball team" doesn't cost anything.

Coyle is a smart guy. He understands any support of the revenue men's teams right now, ie "jock culture" could possibly/likely sound like rape-affirmation. The PR firm has undoubtedly said to keep a low profile until his self-made storm passes.

Tough spot or not I don't think it means he seemingly has to disappear.... a "congrats on the win" or even "yay basketball team" doesn't cost anything.

He was on KFAN last night in the pre game show and did both of these things and sounded very professional. He is just doing his job. Not sure what some of you guys want from him in this bowl game situation. He allows the coaches and the players to soak up the glory. That is not his place and as he said on KFAN he is undefeated as a football coach; 0-0 He is not the coach or a cheerleader he is the AD. You guys crack me up.

Mark Coyle lost the confidence of the football team and coaches who felt they were thrown under the proverbial bus which is a bad thing for an AD.

He better do something quickly to mend fences, and be a PR person real quick. The Gopher public is demanding a face of the program from the leader of athletics.

Coyle is a smart guy. He understands any support of the revenue men's teams right now, ie "jock culture" could possibly/likely sound like rape-affirmation. The PR firm has undoubtedly said to keep a low profile until his self-made storm passes.

Agree. There is no need to stir any pot. Just make major announcements and move the program forward. Only announcements needed are Coach Extended, Coach Fired, Any players reinstated after hearings. Nothing more is needed at this time.

He was on KFAN last night in the pre game show and did both of these things and sounded very professional. He is just doing his job. Not sure what some of you guys want from him in this bowl game situation. He allows the coaches and the players to soak up the glory. That is not his place and as he said on KFAN he is undefeated as a football coach; 0-0 He is not the coach or a cheerleader he is the AD. You guys crack me up.

I mean I'm the AD and I can't even be bothered to cheer on these teams.... do you want to donate some money to the athletic facilities..... no?

Coyle has the responsibility to make sure every athlete at the U understands the Student Code of Conduct and the disciplinary process and procedures the U uses for all athletes accused of violating it. Every player on the football team should have been informed that the EOAA was still investigating what happened to the alleged victim and would be issuing a report to the administration and the accused players with their recommendations whether or not to discipline any of the players.

In particular, Coyle should have made it clear that none of the players involved were exonerated of code of conduct violations just because criminal charges were not brought against any of the players. Finally, he should have reiterated to the players that the U holds their athletes to a higher standard of conduct because of the benefits and privileges they receive as athletes, and because they represent the U in a very public way to every citizen of Minnesota.

Coyle could have communicated a lot of information to the players about the EOAA investigation and what might come after it without violating any privacy laws. If he had done it, in all probability the boycott would have never happened. Coyle doesn't deserve to be fired for it, and neither does Kaler. But this whole mess should be a large factor in their annual performance reviews.

The first reason you pay big money for people like MC and EK is for their leadership. And, guess what. It's hard! That's why everyone isn't making a million dollars a year. They are paid to lead. And, both have failed miserably. For those that are suggesting they are here to keep the university out of trouble or keep things between the rails -- that's managing. We could find plenty of people that would be paid far less money to do a nice job in that capacity. We deserve much better from our leadership.

The first reason you pay big money for people like MC and EK is for their leadership. And, guess what. It's hard! That's why everyone isn't making a million dollars a year. They are paid to lead. And, both have failed miserably. For those that are suggesting they are here to keep the university out of trouble or keep things between the rails -- that's managing. We could find plenty of people that would be paid far less money to do a nice job in that capacity. We deserve much better from our leadership.

You are absolutely correct.

Coyle has the responsibility to make sure every athlete at the U understands the Student Code of Conduct and the disciplinary process and procedures the U uses for all athletes accused of violating it. Every player on the football team should have been informed that the EOAA was still investigating what happened to the alleged victim and would be issuing a report to the administration and the accused players with their recommendations whether or not to discipline any of the players.

In particular, Coyle should have made it clear that none of the players involved were exonerated of code of conduct violations just because criminal charges were not brought against any of the players. Finally, he should have reiterated to the players that the U holds their athletes to a higher standard of conduct because of the benefits and privileges they receive as athletes, and because they represent the U in a very public way to every citizen of Minnesota.

Coyle could have communicated a lot of information to the players about the EOAA investigation and what might come after it without violating any privacy laws. If he had done it, in all probability the boycott would have never happened. Coyle doesn't deserve to be fired for it, and neither does Kaler. But this whole mess should be a large factor in their annual performance reviews.

don't act like student athletes get all of these "benefits and privileges" for nothing. They earn those privileges by competing for the school, and probably deserve more benefits than they receive.

UpnorthGo4, you have made your opinion of this matter known throughout the board. we understand you are appalled by some of the players actions... but to act like student athletes don't deserve special treatment is kind of unfair

Edit: I read the rest of your post and I agree, so I tweeked my language

Coyle is a smart guy. He understands any support of the revenue men's teams right now, ie "jock culture" could possibly/likely sound like rape-affirmation. The PR firm has undoubtedly said to keep a low profile until his self-made storm passes.

I actually think he helps himself if he actually does speak up or leaks some stuff that distances himself from Kaler. Staying quite and towing the line not only will make him less effective as AD, but reflects on him personally as more or less a lackey for Kaler.

Coyle is in an incredibly difficult position.

Kaler opened up his mouth and invited lawsuits. Claeys opened up his mouth and has gotten a giant backlash. I understand why Coyle is working behind the scenes. In reality, this case isn't really about sports, so I get why Coyle takes a back seat with all of it.

Kaler - - He has been a disaster.

He's the AD. He should NOT be working in the background. He's the head honcho. Do your job. Be the face of the athletic department. If you want to hide behind the white curtain, then go back to being an assistant AD.

Mark Coyle lost the confidence of the football team and coaches who felt they were thrown under the proverbial bus which is a bad thing for an AD.

He better do something quickly to mend fences, and be a PR person real quick. The Gopher public is demanding a face of the program from the leader of athletics.

Or what? What's going to happen? Claeys likes Coyle. Coyle didn't fire Claeys like many wanted and other AD's might or would have.

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He's the AD. He should NOT be working in the background. He's the head honcho. Do your job. Be the face of the athletic department. If you want to hide behind the white curtain, then go back to being an assistant AD.

Yup. Both kaler and coyle appear way way overmatched in their positions based on the handling of this one.

He's the AD. He should NOT be working in the background. He's the head honcho. Do your job. Be the face of the athletic department. If you want to hide behind the white curtain, then go back to being an assistant AD.

Yes. 100%. Leaders lead from the front. MC seems completely incompetent in this regard.

Where is our AD? Maybe he is working on Claeys extension and trying to figure out how to survive the exodus of fans that likely will occur if he remains. Maybe he is working behind the scenes to secure a new coach like PJ Fleck so he can fire Claeys and announce his hiring just after the Cotton Bowl. Who knows?

The last thing I heard was him complaining about having a "double/double hotel room for his family of five" on the pregame on the radio yesterday. This guy is a clown that does not appear to be up for the job! Get rid of him and Kaler now!!

Is this for real or do we have another "false News" report?

Where is our AD? Maybe he is working on Claeys extension and trying to figure out how to survive the exodus of fans that likely will occur if he remains. Maybe he is working behind the scenes to secure a new coach like PJ Fleck so he can fire Claeys and announce his hiring just after the Cotton Bowl. Who knows?

That would be brilliant. There's nothing like being at the wheel with your eyes closed as your 9-4 football program is driving through a sh*t storm.

That would be brilliant. There's nothing like being at the wheel with your eyes closed as your 9-4 football program is driving through a sh*t storm.
Most ADs try to figure their way out of the long-term sh*t storm and not just the prevailing winds today. For all anyone knows maybe that's exactly what he is attempting to do. Everyone assumes that he is not. He has taken over other programs in the middle of sh*t storms before and led them out just fine. Sorry if he hasn't given you the daily updates you would like.

Most ADs try to figure their way out of the long-term sh*t storm and not just the prevailing winds today. For all anyone knows maybe that's exactly what he is attempting to do. Everyone assumes that he is not. He has taken over other programs in the middle of sh*t storms before and led them out just fine. Sorry if he hasn't given you the daily updates you would like.

Hmmmm. So you're saying he's been back in the shop creating a masterwork and just waiting to unveil his brilliance on us all. Meanwhile, the situation spiraled completely out of control? That sounds plausible. I only scheduled weekly conference calls with MC. Daily would have been complete overkill.

I actually think he helps himself if he actually does speak up or leaks some stuff that distances himself from Kaler. Staying quite and towing the line not only will make him less effective as AD, but reflects on him personally as more or less a lackey for Kaler.

My statement was tongue in cheek. There are many manager types (this is not the same as a leader) on this board that have as their prime directive avoid controversy/lawsuits even if it requires throwing possibly innocent people under the bus as a cost of doing business. It's common.

Where is our AD? Maybe he is working on Claeys extension and trying to figure out how to survive the exodus of fans that likely will occur if he remains. Maybe he is working behind the scenes to secure a new coach like PJ Fleck so he can fire Claeys and announce his hiring just after the Cotton Bowl. Who knows?

What "exodus of fans"? You think all the "Fire Claeys", "Shut down football" petition signers and on line commenters are football fans and season tickets holders? Even a strong % of them?

That would be quite a stretch.

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