Where did all the fans go???


Dec 8, 2010
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I'm a little confused. At the start it the 4th quarter TCF had only about 20k fans left. With 10:00 left the student section had around 500 students left. Why wouldn't our fans\students want to stay around for our first Big 10 blow out in years? Or at least for most of the 4th quarter? Why not just stay for the fun.

My guess is the blowout combined with cold weather and everyone celebrating Halloween tonight all contributed to the mass exodus.

The Vikings stadium designers could learn from this phenomenon. The majority of people at a game are not fans and would rather drift around the concourse than watch the game from their seats. Therefore, design the new stadium with about 20,000 seats and an 80 foot wide concourse with big screen TVs every thirty feet. This layout would more aptly serve today's ticket buyers.

They were all at your place Parski.

BTW thanks for the beer and Polish vodka.

1. They were freezing.
2. The majority of attendees are not really "fans." More like people looking for something to do on a Saturday.
3. The fire alarm probably scared the last few off.
4. Game was SO SLOW. Didn't end till after 6:00.

20k at the start of the 4th quarter might be accurate, but by the end of the game there were not 5000 in the stadium. I rarely, if ever, leave early, but I did not come prepared to this game (Sweatshirt, Jeans, and 1 pair of socks). My feet were numb by the end of the game and I was proud to have stuck it out.

Game was incredibly long. 4th quarter started around 5:15. Insane. Kids I brought had Halloween party, if game had not gone so damned long, could have easily stayed to the end.

1. They were freezing.
2. The majority of attendees are not really "fans." More like people looking for something to do on a Saturday.
3. The fire alarm probably scared the last few off.
4. Game was SO SLOW. Didn't end till 6:00.

20k at the start of the 4th quarter might be accurate, but by the end of the game there were not 5000 in the stadium.

No complaints from us. We stayed until the end but with everybody taking off boy, did it make getting out of the parking ramp easy!

By the way, did anyone find out why the alarm went off?

No complaints from us. We stayed until the end but with everybody taking off boy, did it make getting out of the parking ramp easy!

By the way, did anyone find out why the alarm went off?

Dr. Don got too drunk and pulled the alarm.

I love college football, but the games are so dang long. One thing the NFL does right is that you know barring overtime the game is going to be 3 hours long 98% of the time.

I love college football, but the games are so dang long. One thing the NFL does right is that you know barring overtime the game is going to be 3 hours long 98% of the time.

It's the time-stoppage after a 1st down. It kills the game speed.

I'm a little confused. At the start it the 4th quarter TCF had only about 20k fans left. With 10:00 left the student section had around 500 students left. Why wouldn't our fans\students want to stay around for our first Big 10 blow out in years? Or at least for most of the 4th quarter? Why not just stay for the fun.

It was our second blowout win in the last 3 home games (Illinois 27-7).

I'm a little confused. At the start it the 4th quarter TCF had only about 20k fans left. With 10:00 left the student section had around 500 students left. Why wouldn't our fans\students want to stay around for our first Big 10 blow out in years? Or at least for most of the 4th quarter? Why not just stay for the fun.

Yeah, I noticed that too.

I can accept a few of the seniors wanting to get out to their vehicles, but seeing the entire end zone empty was really disappointing. I guess they need to keep the beer flowing until 2 hours after the game instead of ending at halftime...

Game was incredibly long. 4th quarter started around 5:15. Insane. Kids I brought had Halloween party, if game had not gone so damned long, could have easily stayed to the end.

Games are becoming tedious to watch on TV because of all the commercial breaks and play reviews. Those of us who remember the Warmath era can recall when few games were televised and they had the natural rhythm and momentum of the action on the field.

The MN-NH game was 2:48. The MN-SYR game was 3:09. MN-WMU was 3:26. MN-IA game was 3:15. The MN-NW game was 3:06. The MN-WIS game was 3:08. The MN-PU game was 3:35. It isn't like they were four hours or something. Factor in that the NFL games have 8 fewer minutes at halftime and there really isn't much difference of actual "game time."

Seems we just like to complain about things.

I mean one of my favorite places in the entire world to be is TCF Bank Stadium. I get to go there seven times a year for games. What's to bitch about if I get to hang out there a few extra minutes?

"It was freezing" WTF?? This was a perfect day for college football. My 5 and 2 year olds were with us to the end with no issue. It is mind boggling to look around at the end of a game we are winning and see so many empty seats. It solidifies the "It's a pro town" sentiment. "They have it wrapped up, I've recieved my entertainment for the day, what's next." Tonight, even our diehards who were in full meltdown mode for the last 3 weeks left early on their squad. We get what we deserve.

The MN-NH game was 2:48. The MN-SYR game was 3:09. MN-WMU was 3:26. MN-IA game was 3:15. The MN-NW game was 3:06. The MN-WIS game was 3:08. The MN-PU game was 3:35. It isn't like they were four hours or something. Factor in that the NFL games have 8 fewer minutes at halftime and there really isn't much difference of actual "game time."

Seems we just like to complain about things.

I mean one of my favorite places in the entire world to be is TCF Bank Stadium. I get to go there seven times a year for games. What's to bitch about if I get to hang out there a few extra minutes?

True that.

Anyone see the Alabama game? Their upper deck (end zones) is empty... against a top 15 opponent. Beginning of the 4th quarter. Their fans must really suck too.

EDIT: 4 minutes to go and the stadium is a ghost town. I think the 52 degrees & 77% humidity are just too much for them.

EDIT 2: Oh and BTW... It's Alabama's homecoming.

As always, Mrs. GoGophersRah and I were there to sing Hail Minnesota with the band and team at the end.

Lutherans, Catholics, and Presbyterians. 18 hours until church. Need to prepare and self-flagellate. Seen it for 40 years.

If you want to beat the traffic, stay until the end. I've moved into prime seats before when people left after the third quarter of games.

The group of students I came with was pretty much ready to go with 5 minutes left in the 3rd, but one girl really wanted to stay for "Do the Gopher" at the end of quarter (of all the reasons to not want to leave the game), so she got to do the Gopher then my entire group except for me left before the start of the 4th quarter. I had a bit of a desire to leave since we seemed to have the game well in hand halfway through the 3rd quarter and the game felt like it was taking a long time. Being a Gopher fan, however, I knew that there was at least some chance of a Purdue comeback, and so I stayed until the end and sang the Minnesota Rouser and Hail Minnesota.

As some other posters mentioned above, a lot of students, and perhaps others, aren't there because they just love the Gophers and are thrilled to be able to cheer them on in person, they go because it's something fun to do with friends, and because they "knew" who was going to win about halfway through the third, they left because they didn't think there was any reason to stay. Plus it was getting cold, my feet were pretty numb by the time I started walking back to my dorm.

Minnesota fans leave early...they just do, nothing is really going to change that. The important thing is they left happy. Hopefully that will inspire them to keep coming back.

Minnesota fans leave early...they just do, nothing is really going to change that. The important thing is they left happy. Hopefully that will inspire them to keep coming back.
Good point and maybe that means we will get a full house next week for the jug. And everybody will stay to watch us take the jug back.

Good point and maybe that means we will get a full house next week for the jug. And everybody will stay to watch us take the jug back.

Depends upon the weather. Don't ever under-estimate the effect from 27 years of indoor football in Minnesota.

Depends upon the weather. Don't ever under-estimate the effect from 27 years of indoor football in Minnesota.

Coming off a win like yesterday and given that the opponent is Michigan I think it will be close to a sellout on Saturday. The athletic department might not even need to give away or severely discount tickets to get people through the door for this one.

Coming off a win like yesterday and given that the opponent is Michigan I think it will be close to a sellout on Saturday. The athletic department might not even need to give away or severely discount tickets to get people through the door for this one.

Wouldn't that be a nice....we fill TCF with fans that want to see the game for other reasons besides getting free tickets.

Coming off a win like yesterday and given that the opponent is Michigan I think it will be close to a sellout on Saturday. The athletic department might not even need to give away or severely discount tickets to get people through the door for this one.

Ticket are already $20 off. If they can hold them at $30 and still move tickets though then I'd say that's a win for the U.

Ticket are already $20 off. If they can hold them at $30 and still move tickets though then I'd say that's a win for the U.
They're actually cheaper than that. I got an e-mail offering Purdue/Michigan/Michigan State all for $30. They e-mailed this twice with a deadline each time, so clearly the demand isn't there.

The rumor was they were all at station 19 across from the stadium. It was rumored that the fire alarm at the stadium went off because Parski was over at station19 looking to reduce station19 to station15 again.

By the way it was not cold at the end of the game but once I had left the stadium I did notice that it had cooled down quite a bit outside. Also, the flags at west end of the stadium were not moving that much during the game other than a slight blowing to the east. I was surprised then how much further kick offs went when they were kicked off from the west end. There was something going on there. I wonder if there is some kind of wind effect occurring because of the design of the stadium.

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