I sort of feel like some of the people who haven't shown up might just be the ones on their "I don't accept mediocrity" high horse, so wins in the NIT will hold no meaning for them strictly because we are in the NIT and the fact that we are here at all means the season was a failure, so they don't care anymore. Unfortunately for them, they are missing a nice string of wins and a lot of signs that the team will be better next year. I know I'm having a good time watching our Gophers storm the NIT!
To be honest, I think minngg really does want to see the program succeed, he is just utterly convinced that Tubby is the main problem here and we would be better off with a different coach.
However, I am pretty sure Whathavewedone
is just one of those pissed off Kentucky fans who
derives some weird pleasure from watching
Tubby Smith's teams
lose basketball games.
Art hasn't been quite so bad, he doesn't make every single one of his posts about how much the coach sucks, that said he is quite negative on the whole and I quickly tire of him as well.