When Sit vs. Stand Goes Too Far: OSU Allowing Complaints via Text


Captain of Awesome
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score

To control the extra fans, game staff members will be ready to resolve problems instantly and will let fans report issues directly to them from their smartphones. Fans can text ‘BRUTUS' to 69050 and stadium staff or police will respond to your issue. That includes fans who are misbehaving, swearing, inebriated, or who do not sit during game play. Law enforcement officers add that they want fans to report any suspicious activity.

That's right, they're encouraging fans to report other fans for standing during play. Wonder if we'll see TCF adopt the policy soon, now that there's precedent .... :rolleyes:

Although it's not specified, the "unruly fan" text has been in place at TCFBS since 2009. Text GOLD to 78247. Not that I'm encouraging folks to use it, but we got a hammered OSU fan tossed.

I'll bet its been used stupidly a few times...

Anybody that wants to complain about standing v sitting probably doesn't have a phone with texting options...

Texting about problems in the stadium is common throughout sports in America, and has been for years. Why is this a story now?

Texting about problems in the stadium is common throughout sports in America, and has been for years. Why is this a story now?

Probably because they explicitly called standing during play an issue. I know our policy doesn't have that. I'd be shocked if any other B1G school, or major conference school for that matter, has it.

I think it's simple and have had no problems. Stand for defense on 3rd down and 4th, if they go for it. Stand when opposing team is close to your endzone, if your seats are there.

I agree with MaxyJR1. However, I will say that last game was the first time I've seen issues in our area. I just happen to have seats in the same area where the dance team/chearleader parents sit and there is a group of fans a few rows down and a section over that stand the entire game. They've done it since the stadium opened. We still have clear sight lines to all game action, but the parent's view is completely blocked of their daughters on the sideline. I think they sent 5 people over to ask the group to sit down, with no avail. They were pledging to get the administration involved, so it will be interesting to see how it turns out!

Thank god you're not trying to get those pesky gophers out of my lawn.

You can get rid of the pesky kids on your lawn by hiring station19 to come over and sing The Old Gray Mare

(see OT BOARD for definition of old)) . He does a good job while remaining relatively anonymous.

This is pretty common at a lot of stadiums....I believe the Twins at Target Field have something similar.
I can see the Vikings having this in US BANK stadium in 2016 for drunk unruly fans...I can remember being
at the dome at Brett Favre's first pre-season game and some hang-knob on the top row kept banging the
air duct pissing off the whole section. This would have come in handy, instead he got into a fight with
a couple other dudes who were fed up and caused a whole melee'.. (kinda cool, but..still)

The Vikes have had a number to anonymously text problems to security and fan services for a long time. They certainly need it. It's likely not a deterrent, but has to make it easier to notice trouble, especially when it is in the early stages and not easily seen from a distance.

As for the sitting vs. standing debate, basic etiquette says you go with the crowd. If you stand and find you're the only one up or one of a few outliers, be polite to others and have a seat. If pretty much everyone is standing except for you, go with the flow and stand as well or at least accept that it's happening without complaint. Clearly Ohio State is in a different world than us from an attendance and percentage of capacity standpoint, but if you insist on standing the entire game, the overwhelming majority of Gopher games have plenty of terrain on the upper deck where people can stand and not have to deal with people who don't want to or simply can't.

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