whats up with the passive three point shooting?


Nov 22, 2010
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it seems like defenders are giving our shooters plenty of space.. andre and austin need to shoot to give our inside guys some space to work.. how can you get hot from three if u just pump fake everytime.. oto hit a few with a hand in his face,, obviously rodney probly shouldnt shoot a ton but guys like andre austin and oto when they get a descent look take it..
andre had a perfectly open jump shot in the corner today and he faked a shot and just passed back out..is it tubbys style or does anybody else see anything differently?

I have the same exact complaints. It seems that we are passing up way too many open shots. The offense consists largely of passing the ball around the horn with limited dribbling. Once the shot clock dwindles down, we end up taking a crappy shot. When we get some of these open shots, we have to take them. I haven't seen a more passively offensive team this year.

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