What's going on here!


Active member
Nov 12, 2008
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Today, Saturday. less then 2 weeks before the first game the U of M Ticket office is closed. Yes, closed, only open during working hours M-F. And they are wondering
why the people are not buying tickets? Of course this is not the only reason but it does show their marketing expertise.

Oh well, we will see how the working hour schedule fits next week (if it does).

How is ticket office hours a failure of marketing? I'm sure office hours are listed multiple places and of course you can always call the ticket office, why would you need to go in person?

Is the Internet down too? This isn't 1990 after all.

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+1. Who goes to the ticket office anymore?

Yeah, that's funny. I had to buy an airline ticket to D.C. last month, and it never occurred to me to drive all the way down to the ticket window to buy it in person and then, upon finding it outside normal office hours, throwing up my hands and saying, "Now what do I do? I'm sunk."

Great. My session has timed out. Now what do I do?

I want to order something from Amazon. Except I just found out the Amazon home office is in Seattle. Now what do I do?

It is a little odd to me. Not hard to have an intern open 1 window for a few hours on Saturdays this close to the season.

This has to be a joke, right? Right? No way this guy is actually serious.

I think Rog does have a point. The Gophers need to bend over backwards to provide fans with every opportunity to buy tickets. If just one fan is turned off because they couldn't get through to the ticket office, that's another fan who won't be buying tickets to Gopher games. Not everyone is comfortable with buying tickets online. Some people like to talk to a real person, or they have questions and want to talk to someone to get an answer.

The point being that the Gophers need to find a way to be more accommodating, because they need to sell tickets. They need to sell a lot of tickets. I was listening to Reusse's Saturday sports show. They were talking about the September 1st games, and one of Reusse's sidekicks (don't know which one) said the Gophers would have 20,000 people at the game. Reusse said he thought they would have close to 40,000 - and he was the most optimistic about the Gophers' attendance!

I find it hard to imagine they'd sell a lot of tickets over the weekend that won't be bought M-F over the phone.

If they've got marketing issues and etc it sure isn't phone ticket sales.

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