Whatever happened to the Bronko Statue?


Active member
Nov 12, 2008
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Is it just in Storage? If so they aught to mount it outside the stadium. If there ever was a more notable football legend at the U it wouldbe him and probably Bierman.

And the plow! I want the plow where the team can rub it before coming onto the field.

I've been asking it since TCF opened and I won't stop.

Hmmm...maybe I should stop asking here about it.

I would love to see a Jerry Kill statue in front of the stadium after the Gophers go to consecutive Rose Bowls.

Schnauzer said:
I would love to see a Jerry Kill statue in front of the stadium after the Gophers go to consecutive Rose Bowls.

That's one of my favorite parts about coach Kill. If he wins big here, could there be a better name for a stadium than Kill?

In their defense, putting a 21 foot Bronko statue outside TCF would mean that any future statues would have to be made on that equally absurd scale.

In their defense, putting a 21 foot Bronko statue outside TCF would mean that any future statues would have to be made on that equally absurd scale.

Easy solution, it is also a twofer, first cut off the bottom and make it into a bust and second sell the bottom for scrap metal (brass is worth a lot).:cool:

cast a new one in a different scale!

We should have the plow, as a lucky charm before the players enter the stadium, this would seem appropriate even if it is ancient history
it is part ouf our past and legacy.

What sucks is it's hard to see just driving down the street too. There's a tree that's kind of placed right next it that almost blocks it from view

I don't like getting out of hand with statues. If they do a statue it should be someone like Bierman, Nagurski or Smith.

I don't like getting out of hand with statues. If they do a statue it should be someone like Bierman, Nagurski or Smith.

Faculty members will go nut, and will ask to bring them down immediately. For some reasons, I like statues. It create the real campus feeling.

In their defense, putting a 21 foot Bronko statue outside TCF would mean that any future statues would have to be made on that equally absurd scale.

Naw. Not all statues should be created equally. Besides, realistically, when will we ever cast another statue?

I'm happy for the people of I-Falls, but it's borderline tragic the U jettisoned this "surplus" item. I used to love visiting McNamara's to see the old-timers and look at the photos of Bronko.

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