What you think about the Big Ten now ESPN & Digger Phelps?!?

It is pretty funny that if the NC/Villenova game keeps going the way it is, it will be BT vs ACC, with the Big East gone! Who would have thunk it!

The 'Taliking Heads' won't know what to make of it...The Sports Reporters, for example, will be talking UCONN for the first 10 minutes...If NC wins tonight, they'll be talking about them for the next 10 minutes. Then of course it'll be all about Jay Cuttler.

Will ESPN even be able to report the score now that their precious UCONN is out?

I was cheering as loud for State as I do for the Gophers. They so have to win on Monday.

The 'Taliking Heads' won't know what to make of it...The Sports Reporters, for example, will be talking UCONN for the first 10 minutes...If NC wins tonight, they'll be talking about them for the next 10 minutes. Then of course it'll be all about Jay Cuttler.

i want to give them the benefit of the doubt, but something tells me your "play-by-play" above likely won't be too far off from the truth.

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