What would have saved Claeys?


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2012
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What do people think would have saved TC, assuming all the events of the scandal/boycott still happened? Would beating Wisconsin and going 10-3 have been enough? Would finishing the win against PSU and the ensuing ripple effect have tipped it? Would it have taken 11+ wins? Or simply not sending out that tweet?

There's some part of me that thinks it was real close, and part of me that think he was cooked even if we just won the Rose Bowl.

More of this I read, the more revealed, just doesn't look like he was going to survive at all.

One more win and a new years day spanking would yield the same result.

He saved his job by winning enough. Then lost it again by contributing to a PR nightmare.

Not all his fault.

Had he won a game or two more or had the players not boycotted, he is still the coach.

Gone no matter what, this may explain the awkward sequence of events that transpired the last month, building a case to get rid of him.

Who cares at this point. Rip the band-aid off and move on.

Given what we've heard from Coyle, I don't even think Batman could have saved TC.....

It sounds like, sit ups and a higher recruiting ranking.

Not much. You have to remember that he was hired in a weird situation with Kill quitting mid-season and under an interim AD. He was purposely given a prove-it contract. Now I think if he would have not contracted the AD and told the players he won't support a boycott because of the nature of the allegations he would still be coach but without an extension.

What do people think would have saved TC, assuming all the events of the scandal/boycott still happened? Would beating Wisconsin and going 10-3 have been enough? Would finishing the win against PSU and the ensuing ripple effect have tipped it? Would it have taken 11+ wins? Or simply not sending out that tweet?

There's some part of me that thinks it was real close, and part of me that think he was cooked even if we just won the Rose Bowl.

Coyle wasn't completely sold on him, but his words after the Wisconsin game indicated that Claeys was going to get at least another year. I believe Coyle's plan before news of the bowl suspensions broke was to give Claeys a one or two year extension with minimal raise and keep the buyout low. 8-4 was like the worst possible way things could have turned out to make it an easy decision for Coyle. With our schedule, most fans would have been calling for Claeys' head at 6-6. At 10-2 we could have been in one of the New Years Six bowls and probably the B1G championship game, and it would have been an easy decision to rip up the contract and give him a real 5 year deal. Recruiting would have gotten a little bump from the exposure and all would have been well. But 8-4 was that perfect middle ground where it wasn't all that impressive, but it was still an 8 win season.

I think even with all of that Claeys would have kept his job if not for the tweet. At least that is my take. I remember seeing the tweet and thinking "Is he trying to get fired?", and then I got texts from a bunch of my friends all saying that thought Claeys would be gone. You just can't be so publicly insubordinate to your bosses when you are already barely holding onto your job as it is.

All the comments below. Minnesota's snakes want to hire their own patsy.
2). Trim torso

His goose was cooked when MC was hired.

He needed to be more physically attractive apparently.

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Gone no matter what, this may explain the awkward sequence of events that transpired the last month, building a case to get rid of him.

10-2 would have saved him one more year.

Coyle was bombarded with emails after the Wisconsin game and throughout this process. Then it was a matter of getting through the bowl and cotton bowl.

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He never had a chance once the scandal broke labor day weekend.

His goose was cooked when MC was hired.

Say what you want about the second half's this season and the play on the field but everything that AD Coyle was saying tied back to the 09/02/16 incident. That is why he kept saying integrity and acting with class when representing the University and the players realizing they represent more than the M on their chests or helmets. They also represent the other student athletes, the coaches and themselves. Coach Claey's goose was cooked the second that police report came in and the sexual assault allegations took place. There was never any turning back for President Kaler or AD Coyle once this incident happened.

President Kaler has presided over some serious sexual harassment and assault allegations as well as what occurred with the wrestling program. Leopards don't change their spots, he has also been directly involved in hiring two athletic directors at two different institutions that were sexual harassers. For as much as we may have had a leadership vacuum in the football program, or the difficult situation the interim AD was put in with Coach Kill's health problems, we surely have a leadership gap in the President's office at Morril Hall.

All of the regents should be very concerned that the current President of the University is bringing a lot of litigation and settlements and payouts to come out of the taxpayers pocket books. The Board of Regents has a fiduciary responsibility to the students and the taxpayers, to review the leadership behavior and conduct that has occurred under President Kaler's leadership. He has not been above it all, and with his actions has brought much shame and damage to the reputation of this University. Somehow he manages to survive like a snake in the grass, what Kaler is best at is protecting his own hide. I wish they would vote a no vote of confidence and ask Kaler to seek another employment contract elsewhere. If they are truly "Driven to Discover" they should be driven for new leadership and a leader in the Presidents office we can all be proud of.

Say what you want about the second half's this season and the play on the field but everything that AD Coyle was saying tied back to the 09/02/16 incident. That is why he kept saying integrity and acting with class when representing the University and the players realizing they represent more than the M on their chests or helmets. They also represent the other student athletes, the coaches and themselves. Coach Claey's goose was cooked the second that police report came in and the sexual assault allegations took place. There was never any turning back for President Kaler or AD Coyle once this incident happened.

President Kaler has presided over some serious sexual harassment and assault allegations as well as what occurred with the wrestling program. Leopards don't change their spots, he has also been directly involved in hiring two athletic directors at two different institutions that were sexual harassers. For as much as we may have had a leadership vacuum in the football program, or the difficult situation the interim AD was put in with Coach Kill's health problems, we surely have a leadership gap in the President's office at Morril Hall.

All of the regents should be very concerned that the current President of the University is bringing a lot of litigation and settlements and payouts to come out of the taxpayers pocket books. The Board of Regents has a fiduciary responsibility to the students and the taxpayers, to review the leadership behavior and conduct that has occurred under President Kaler's leadership. He has not been above it all, and with his actions has brought much shame and damage to the reputation of this University. Somehow he manages to survive like a snake in the grass, what Kaler is best at is protecting his own hide. I wish they would vote a no vote of confidence and ask Kaler to seek another employment contract elsewhere. If they are truly "Driven to Discover" they should be driven for new leadership and a leader in the Presidents office we can all be proud of.

What is scary here is that the coaching candidates will be leary. Especially if he thinks the President and his AD are on shakey ground. My guess is this will be the reason Coyle-Kaler will be looking at candidates 5-10 because 1-4 will say no way in hell would I go to a program where I'm not sure who my boss will be next year.

This went about as badly for Coyle as it could've. It seems clear he wanted to fire Claeys and hire "his guy" from the beginning. So he's hoping the season plays out one of two ways:

1) Claeys bombs or disappoints in a HUGE way (6-6, 7-5...maybe an embarrassing loss in there). "Oh sorry, we're about excellence and championships here. We've lost the momentum. Thank Coach Claeys and staff for their contributions to rebuilding the program, but it's time to take the next step." Few people are pis$ed.

2) Claeys overachieves, winning 10+ games. Huge bowl game, fan base is re-energized ala 2014, and MC has the easiest decision ever to extend. A winning football team on cruise control. Attendance rebounds, the future is rosy.

As we all know, option 3 came to pass: solid, but unspectacular on-field results. A nasty off-field incident. Fan support split 50/50.

Only at Minnesota. Ugh.

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