What was the Applebee's incident under the Monson regime?

I think it had something to do with Shane Schilling and 3 plates of riblets.

Wasn't that when Steve Esselink and Justin Lorang had a dispute as to how to split the bill on their appetizers? Lorang claimed that Esselink ate more of the appetizer platter, while Esselink claimed that it wasn't his (Esselink's) fault that Lorang didn't like cheese quesadillas. It got pretty heated, and strong words were exchanged. Lorang was especially cruel on the subject of Esselink's hair. I don't think their friendship ever truly recovered from that night.

Wasn't that when Steve Esselink and Justin Lorang had a dispute as to how to split the bill on their appetizers? Lorang claimed that Esselink ate more of the appetizer platter, while Esselink claimed that it wasn't his (Esselink's) fault that Lorang didn't like cheese quesadillas. It got pretty heated, and strong words were exchanged. Lorang was especially cruel on the subject of Esselink's hair. I don't think their friendship ever truly recovered from that night.

Sounds like a BFD to me. :banghead:

Wasn't that when Steve Esselink and Justin Lorang had a dispute as to how to split the bill on their appetizers? Lorang claimed that Esselink ate more of the appetizer platter, while Esselink claimed that it wasn't his (Esselink's) fault that Lorang didn't like cheese quesadillas. It got pretty heated, and strong words were exchanged. Lorang was especially cruel on the subject of Esselink's hair. I don't think their friendship ever truly recovered from that night.

If true that is hilarious.

No, I'm sorry folks. That wasn't true. It sprang from my fertile imagination. The real story involved a contentious argument between Kyle Sanden, Ryan Wildenborg, Nick Sinville, and Terrance Simmons over who had won their tag-team hot-wings eating contest after a particularly bad defeat against Illinois. Specifically, Sanden and Wildenborg argued that the relative cleanliness of the bones on their plate should outweigh the superior numbers put up by Sinville and Simmons, while Sinville and Simmons riposted that the entire point of a hot-wings eating contest was quantity consumed. Unfortunately, the restaurant became divided upon racial lines, and a campus-wide donnybrook ensued. Nobody could agree who won the wings contest, but everybody could agree that there were no real winners that cold night in February.

(And no, I have no idea what people are referring to about the Applebees. I'm just bored with the lack of Gophers news.)

My understanding is somewhat different so maybe there was more than one incident.

When Monson was recruiting Joe Krabbenhoft, Monson blew up at Krabbenhoft and his dad over Krabby's insistence on ordering off the "Under 550 calories" menu. Monson claimed that Krabbenhoft would never bang inside in the Big Ten without 20 more pounds of "Oiled and ripped Applebees' muscle" (Dan's words- not mine- don't shoot the messenger) while Mr. Krabbenhoft pointed out that Bo Ryan took them to Sonic and didn't complain when Jon ordered a diet coke over the offered chocolate shake. Krabbenhoft's career at Wisconsin was all but settled from that day on.

Interestingly, this was almost the opposite of Kris Humphries' recruitment when Kris and Dad ate everything in site and took home duffle bags of extra food, causing Monson to make a panicked call to Maturi to get clarification on whether submitting a receipt for 50 uncooked 8 ounce steaks would constitute a recruiting violation.

The team had a family style meal their before a game, but somehow the food never made it past Kris Humphries. Players on his right complained of hunger and pointed out that Kris didn't even eat all the food. In his defense Kris noted their poor seat selection.

My understanding is somewhat different so maybe there was more than one incident.

When Monson was recruiting Joe Krabbenhoft, Monson blew up at Krabbenhoft and his dad over Krabby's insistence on ordering off the "Under 550 calories" menu. Monson claimed that Krabbenhoft would never bang inside in the Big Ten without 20 more pounds of "Oiled and ripped Applebees' muscle" (Dan's words- not mine- don't shoot the messenger) while Mr. Krabbenhoft pointed out that Bo Ryan took them to Sonic and didn't complain when Jon ordered a diet coke over the offered chocolate shake. Krabbenhoft's career at Wisconsin was all but settled from that day on.

Interestingly, this was almost the opposite of Kris Humphries' recruitment when Kris and Dad ate everything in site and took home duffle bags of extra food, causing Monson to make a panicked call to Maturi to get clarification on whether submitting a receipt for 50 uncooked 8 ounce steaks would constitute a recruiting violation.

Only Minnesota would get busted for wooing recruits with excess food from Applebee's. Even Tennessee makes sure its hookers are actually 'volunteers' and only got in trouble when they started making 'house-calls' to the recruits hometowns and having illegal barbecues.

You guys don't remember the incident do you?

The incident went down as follows:

Monson oredered a Ceasar Salad and the waitress asked what kind of dressing he wanted on his Ceasar Salad. Coach Monson responded with a blank stare not sure of what to say. Molanari, his then assistant coach, noticed Dan's "deer in the headlight look" and suggested Dan have a ceasar dressing on his Ceasar Salad but Dan still wasn't sure so he ordered the dressing on the side. When he got his salad Dan was livid. He indignantly said "This is just a bowl of lettuce and croutons." He blew up at the waitress and had to be restrained.

That was the Applebees incident as I recall it.

The incident went down as follows:

Monson oredered a Ceasar Salad and the waitress asked what kind of dressing he wanted on his Ceasar Salad. Coach Monson responded with a blank stare not sure of what to say. Molanari, his then assistant coach, noticed Dan's "deer in the headlight look" and suggested Dan have a ceasar dressing on his Ceasar Salad but Dan still wasn't sure so he ordered the dressing on the side. When he got his salad Dan was livid. He indignantly said "This is just a bowl of lettuce and croutons." He blew up at the waitress and had to be restrained.

That was the Applebees incident as I recall it.

:clap: LLOL'd. Sadly, this story is actually believable. We should have a contest to figure out which of the stories in this thread are true.

The incident went down as follows:

Monson oredered a Ceasar Salad and the waitress asked what kind of dressing he wanted on his Ceasar Salad. Coach Monson responded with a blank stare not sure of what to say. Molanari, his then assistant coach, noticed Dan's "deer in the headlight look" and suggested Dan have a ceasar dressing on his Ceasar Salad but Dan still wasn't sure so he ordered the dressing on the side. When he got his salad Dan was livid. He indignantly said "This is just a bowl of lettuce and croutons." He blew up at the waitress and had to be restrained.

That was the Applebees incident as I recall it.

But where's Coach Walker in all of this? On the golf course?

The incident went down as follows:

Monson oredered a Ceasar Salad and the waitress asked what kind of dressing he wanted on his Ceasar Salad. Coach Monson responded with a blank stare not sure of what to say. Molanari, his then assistant coach, noticed Dan's "deer in the headlight look" and suggested Dan have a ceasar dressing on his Ceasar Salad but Dan still wasn't sure so he ordered the dressing on the side. When he got his salad Dan was livid. He indignantly said "This is just a bowl of lettuce and croutons." He blew up at the waitress and had to be restrained.
That was the Applebees incident as I recall it.

BUT, if Monson did not have to handcuffed and restrained, only to be released after questioning, than that incident became a non-issue regardless of how the Media and press reported it.

Monson wanted to get some advice from Clem. Clem suggested he fly into town and they meet at Applebee.

Monson couldn't find the place. The meeting never happened. Clem was left sitting alone, sad.

Monson wanted to get some advice from Clem. Clem suggested he fly into town and they meet at Applebee.

Monson couldn't find the place. The meeting never happened. Clem was left sitting alone, sad.

I heard that Maturi intervened at the last minute to stop the meeting by giving Dan the wrong directions.

The incident went down as follows:

Monson oredered a Ceasar Salad and the waitress asked what kind of dressing he wanted on his Ceasar Salad. Coach Monson responded with a blank stare not sure of what to say. Molanari, his then assistant coach, noticed Dan's "deer in the headlight look" and suggested Dan have a ceasar dressing on his Ceasar Salad but Dan still wasn't sure so he ordered the dressing on the side. When he got his salad Dan was livid. He indignantly said "This is just a bowl of lettuce and croutons." He blew up at the waitress and had to be restrained.

That was the Applebees incident as I recall it.

Once Dan was kicked out of Applebees, Molinari mixed the dressing and salad as best he could but it still didn't really taste right.


You are ALL wrong. Monson and his coaching staff were at the Applebee's and repeatedly asked to have the server Kristine wait on them. Kristine was initially working at another, better table of clients who seemed more likely to leave a bigger tip. Kristine soon figured out that the other table was also being served by other waitresses and that the tip would be split among too many people. She then proceeded to serve Monson and Co.'s table but declined to share the tips with the bus boys and cooks.

Wasn't Sid there? And wasn't it at a Murray's?

You are ALL wrong. Monson and his coaching staff were at the Applebee's and repeatedly asked to have the server Kristine wait on them. Kristine was initially working at another, better table of clients who seemed more likely to leave a bigger tip. Kristine soon figured out that the other table was also being served by other waitresses and that the tip would be split among too many people. She then proceeded to serve Monson and Co.'s table but declined to share the tips with the bus boys and cooks.

I believe Maturi was also in the party and offered Kristine an extension on the spot. She signed it and soon after left Applebee's receiving a substantial buy out.

Kristine has subsequently returned to Applebee's but Joel Maturi will not sit in her section.

Maturi was also in the party and offered Kristine an extension on the spot. She signed it and soon after

Now I know this story is a lie. Everyone knows contract extensions take years, even decades to be completed.

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