What type of trees are near large scoreboard?


Active member
Nov 25, 2008
Reaction score
They appear to have small green fruit.....
Are these apple trees? Honeycrisp apples were a U of M creation. Apple trees won't be too tall and will never get high enough to block the scoreboard.

Can anyone with tree smarts comment?

You can see the trees in the picture that is in the thread about the retired numbers going up in the stadium.

I have no idea. But can you imagine TCF Bank Stadium becoming known for the place where people pick honeycrisp apples off the trees and throw them at the refs after a bad call. :)

Good point. There is something on there though that I'm not too familiar with (not birch, not maple, not elm, not ash).

This is going to sound like I am joking, but I am not. Posts like this are one of the things I love about the Gopher hole. Someone will eventually know the answer to this question and post it here. Where else would anyone care about what trees are planted under the score board at TCF and better yet, where else could you get the answer to that?

If they put in Honeycrisp apple trees that would be pure genius!

I'm gonna go out on a limb (pun intended) and say I doubt they're honeycrisp trees...Apple trees are pretty fragile and especially wouldn't do well in a concrete/salty environment.

If they really do have fruit I'd guess they're crabapple trees...not quite as fragile.

We'll all be there Saturday to report back on the status of the trees though...maybe I'm wrong.

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