What is the media like in Kansas (guests, please)


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Nov 12, 2008
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"Do you think the media in Lawrence is blasting the Jayhawks for dropping from the Orange to the Insight?"

This was posted in a bowl blasting string. Instead why don't we find out from our visitors what the electronic (non-internet) medial is saying about KU's trip to Phoenix.

Losses to USF and Nebraska were heart breakers, but the win verse was Mizzou was very nice for us here in Jayhawk land. KU was ridiculed by many for its schedule last year, but this year KU had one of the 10 toughest schedules in the country. @ USF, @ OU, Texas, and Texas Tech to go along with the game at Arrowhead vs. Mizzou. Like previously mentioned, the games @ NU and @ USF were games KU fans felt we should have won.

The local media is on a high after the Mizzou win. Also expectations were slightly lower considering KU had to play all three of the top BIG XII South members. Going into the season I was hoping for a 9-3 record going into the bowl game, but I'll take 7-5 with a huge win over Mizzou.

I can't help but think that if our media was in Kansas, when the Jayhawks won the NC in basketball, someone would have said "Well, they only beat Davidson by 2"

I can hear it

In the voice of no fewer than two KFAN commentators's voices.:rolleyes:

I can't help but think that if our media was in Kansas, when the Jayhawks won the NC in basketball, someone would have said "Well, they only beat Davidson by 2"

I can't help but think that if our media was in Kansas, when the Jayhawks won the NC in basketball, someone would have said "Well, they only beat Davidson by 2"

SO TRUE! The Twin Cities media is way to snide, sarcastic, and negative. It gets old :mad:

The media has been okay with KU. This is the first time we've been to back-to-back bowls so that's an accomplishment in itself. With the quality of teams in the Big 12, no one was thinking we were going back to a BCS Bowl.

Everyone is pretty realistic about this season. For a school like KU to lose a handful of guys to the draft, their D-Coordinator to Miami, and a giant upgrade in schedule, nobody was expecting anything like last season. Anything less than 7-5 would have been a disappointment but 7-5 or 8-4 is about where every realistic thinking person had this team going into the season.

And you are absolutely right about the Minneapolis media. I think the main difference is that we are talking about a college town and a metropolitan area whose media does little research when talking about the college teams.

"Do you think the media in Lawrence is blasting the Jayhawks for dropping from the Orange to the Insight?"

Here is a run down on what KU lost from a OB Champion team:

All-American corner - Talib (NFL)
All-American LT - Collins (NFL)
1000 yard WR - Henry (NFL)
1000 yard RB - BMAC
NFL TE - Fine (NFL)
All-Con DT - McClinton
Starting RT

Kind of a lot.

I expected KU to be 10-2 or 9-3 (Didn't know TT was going to be as good as they were.) Didn't think we would drop the USF or NU game.

Things happen and you end up at 7-5, with tons coming back next year.

My thoughts on the Insight are that if Minn can get pressure and stop Briscoe and Meier from completely going off it will be a game, if not it will be a track meet and Minn offense better bring some track shoes to stay in the game.

History of KU Football

Although KU has occasionally had a good team or a spectacular player, this year is the FIRST TIME in our 100+ year history of playing football that we are going to a bowl game in back to back years.

Our coach who in in only his 7th year, has more wins already than all but two of our other coaches.

So, there are a few radio guys who are KSU and MU grads/fans who are giving us a hard time, but the truth is, we made history this year just by getting to ANY bowl.

I would have loved for us to have made the Alamo Bowl, but the Insight will do for now.

So, not a lot of negative stuff, but still some. Oh, and by the way the local paper has a long ongoing feud with our AD, calls us UK when everyone else in the world calls us KU. Even they don't have a lot of negative to say about the football team.

BTW, I spent a little time in Rochester with IBM a long time ago, and loved going to the twin cities for breaks.

Kearney brings up another interesting point. KU has to put up with a lot of MU and KState fans in the media. The U has to put up with a bunch of people in the media who just hate everything. The local paper in Lawrence clearly has issues with some higher ups in the AD but dedicates its entire sports page to KU and the writers do a great job covering them. The Strib sometimes forgets the Gophers exist other than the weekly hack job by a bitter fossil who somehow learned how to type. Gopher fans and the U would benefit greatly from coverage like the LJW's kusports.com rather than settling for KFAN or Strib coverage. I know there are other sources to get info but I'm talking about mainstream media

The LJW is just a small town newpaper with a real homer approach to KU. The KCStar is the "city" newspaper with beat writers who cover KU, K-State & MU. Of the three KU & MU have honest coverage of the teams and pretty much tell it like it is pointing out flaws along with praise when deserving.

That's a local small town cable station in Lawrence akin to a University TV station.

an example from Kansas City Star

I read the Kansas City Star sports section quite often, due to the fact that I think they have two of the more talented columnists in the nation (Joe Posnanski and Jason Whitlock) and also a nice college sports columnist in Blair Kerkoff.

This is a column from Whitlock after the Kansas-Missouri game. Whitlock can be pretty controversial, both in Kansas City and nationally, and he's famously feuded with Mike Lupica and Jay Mariotti and either quit or got fired by ESPN, I forget which, but it was an ugly divorce.

But at the heart of it, Whitlock can deliver a great column with details without taking cheap shots at the participants. When you read this, consider how he treats Pinkel in the column-he's tough and critical on him, yet reiterates that he's a good coach. Nothing personal or snide, just a representative account of the game and what this columnist deemed to be the turning point. What a revelation:

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